Therapy and psychological services for wellbeing services counties
Mehiläinen offers a wide range of therapy and psychological services to customers across Finland at nearly 130 locations.
At Mehiläinen, we offer physiotherapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, neuropsychological rehabilitation and examinations, and psychological services. In addition, our selection also includes OmaVäylä rehabilitation, NUOTTI coaching, psychotherapy services as well as music and family therapy. We serve customers of all ages.
Contact information

Therapy and psychological services
Mehiläinen Therapy Clinic
At Mehiläinen Therapy Clinic, we offer speech and occupational therapy for customers of all ages, NUOTTI coaching and Oma Väylä rehabilitation for adolescents and young adults, neuropsychological services, music therapy, family therapy and psychotherapy throughout Finland.

Mehiläinen Tutoris
Mehiläinen Tutoris offers speech therapy, occupational therapy and physiotherapy, as well as NUOTTI coaching for customers of all ages. We also offer remote rehabilitation services. We employ approximately 200 therapy professionals in 21 locations across Finland.

Mehiläinen Psychologist leasing
Mehiläinen’s Psychologist leasing specialises in the sale of high-quality psychologist services to wellbeing services counties as an outsourced service. We have successfully cooperated with around 100 municipalities in the past.

Physiotherapy services
Fysios Mehiläinen offers high-quality and quickly available physiotherapy services for wellbeing services counties throughout Finland.

Would you like to discuss our services?
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