Data protection at Mehiläinen
We carefully process our customers' personal data and act responsibly in data protection within the social welfare and health care sector, complying with legislation and best practices.
Privacy statements
Information about the processing of personal data at Mehiläinen is available in our privacy statements. In addition to the general privacy statement, you can also see our function-specific statements.
Your rights
You have the right to receive information about the processing of personal data, to inspect the data concerning you, to request the rectification of incorrect data and to obtain log data concerning the processing and disclosure of your patient records. The rights concerning your personal data are described in more detail in Mehiläinen’s privacy statements. You can find more detailed instructions on how to exercise your rights here.
Your personal data
You can easily and conveniently access your personal data in the OmaMehiläinen service. In the service, you can update your contact information and make declarations of intent regarding the use of your data. You can also view some of the personal data created at Mehiläinen in Kela’s national Kanta service.
Enquiries and your data protection rights
For enquiries concerning the processing of personal data and data protection rights, please contact Mehiläinen’s Health Information Management Team at info.terveystiedot@mehilainen.fi.
Treatment and patient rights
In matters concerning treatment or patient rights, please contact Mehiläinen’s patient contact persons.
Deviations and requests for clarification
If you suspect a deviation in our operations or require clarification, please see our instructions.
Data processing safety
We comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulation in our operations
We store our patient data in a category A patient information system
Our systems undergo regular testing
We continuously monitor the risks associated with our operations