To the media
Mehiläinen Group is a well-known and highly valued private provider of social and healthcare services, offering comprehensive high-quality services in Finland and internationally. 115-year-old Mehiläinen is a rapidly developing and growing leader in the industry. Mehiläinen invests in the possibilities of digitalisation and the quality and effectiveness of care in all its business areas.
Mehiläinen serves 2.2 million customers annually, and services are produced at 890 locations by more than 37,000 employees and private practitioners. Internationally, Mehiläinen provides healthcare services in Sweden, Estonia, Germany, and Lithuania, as well as digital healthcare software solutions through its subsidiary BeeHealthy.
We are happy to help you
Our top professionals from various fields are available for expert interviews. To find the right person, please contact communications.
We also produce topical information and bulletins regarding different areas of social and healthcare for the press.
Contact information for the media
Laura Martinsuo
Communications Director
Noora Hostikka
Communications Manager
Salla Tähtinen
Communications Manager
Tel. 010 414 0112 (local network rate/mobile charge) (switchboard)
E-mail address format firstname.lastname@mehilainen.fi or viestinta@mehilainen.fi
Inquiries related to advertising space, support announcements and commercial co-operations can be sent by e-mail to markkinointijohto@mehilainen.fi
Sponsorship of medical students
Inquiries related to sponsorship and support requests for medical and dental students can be sent via email to Mehiläinen's regional director responsible for student collaboration Karo Vainionpäälle karo.vainionpaa@mehilainen.fi.
Logos for the media
From Mehiläinen's image bankExternal link, you can download print-ready logos for your use. Please kindly contact the marketing department if you cannot find the logo you need or if you require guidance on how to use the logos.