Mehiläinen appointment booking accessibility statement
This accessibility statement applies to the service https://ajanvaraus.mehilainen.fi/. The statement was prepared on 23 September 2020 and updated on 30 January 2025. We undertake to ensure the accessibility of our services according to the Act on the Provision of Digital Services (306/2019).
We have assessed the accessibility of the service ourselves. In addition, an external accessibility expert has evaluated the accessibility of different parts of the service. The deficiencies and development targets for accessibility identified in the assessment have been corrected or will be corrected as soon as possible.
Digital Service Accessibility Status
Partially meets accessibility requirements (WCAG criteria 2.1 level AA). The main deficiencies in the online service are described later in this statement.
The accessibility of the website is continuously evaluated with the help of accessibility tools. Accessibility is taken into account in the development of all new features.
Alternative ways of using the services
Alternatively, you can contact Mehiläinen’s customer service, which is open around the clock.
The customer service number is +358 (0)10 414 00 (local network rate/mobile charge) (local network rate/mobile charge) (€0.084/min).
Contents or functions that are not yet accessible
Users may notice accessibility issues on our site. Below is a list of the ones we have detected and identified.
Online Appointment Booking:
- Appointment booking has some focusing problems (WCAG 1.3.1).
- The time limit for logging in is not clearly stated in the Confirm Reservation Details section (WCAG 2.2.1).
- Some elements do not have accessible names (WCAG 4.1.2).
Mobile Interface
- Some heading indicators are inconsistent (WCAG 1.3.1).
- Appointment booking has empty focuses (WCAG 1.3.1).
- The time limit for the appointment booking cannot be adjusted (WCAG 2.1.1).
- When booking an appointment, the identification of an incorrect field in the booking data is partially unclear (WCAG 3.3.3).
- Screen readers are not always notified of view changes, successful operations, or when character limits are reached (WCAG 4.1.3).
Give feedback on accessibility
If you notice any issues with the website’s accessibility, please submit feedback to the site’s administrator first. Your feedback will be replied to within 14 days.
Open the feedback formExternal link
If you are not satisfied with the reply or do not receive a reply within two weeks, you can submit a notification to Traficom. Traficom’s website provides detailed information on how to submit a notification and how the matter will be processed.
Contact information of the supervisory authority
Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom
Digital Accessibility Supervision Unit
telephone switchboard 029 534 5000
We are continuously working to improve accessibility.