FODMAP diet – effective help for sensitive stomachs
The purpose of the FODMAP diet is to limit the intake of foods that are the most likely causes of stomach issues. If your stomach problems make your life more difficult, you can get personalised help from a dietitian to try out a FODMAP diet safely.
FODMAP diet in short
- The FODMAP diet eliminates fermentable and poorly absorbed carbohydrates.
- The idea of the diet is to calm the irritated stomach and to slowly re-introduce the restricted food products back into your diet.
- The FODMAP diet is proven to help with the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.
The article is based on an interview with dietitian Petteri Lindblad.
The FODMAP diet reduces poorly absorbed carbohydrates
The FODMAP diet is a diet that includes less of certain unabsorbable and fermentable carbohydrates than most diets. Unabsorbed carbohydrates end up in the large intestine, where bacteria produce energy from them through fermentation. Intestinal gases are produced during fermentation and water ends up in the intestine, which can feel unpleasant in the intestines and cause stomach problems.
The name of the FODMAP diet comes from these fermentable and non-absorbable carbohydrates:
- Fermentable oligosaccharides
- Disaccharides
- Monosaccharides
- Polyols
The purpose of the FODMAP diet is to soothe an irritated stomach
The FODMAP diet should be tested for 4–6 weeks. The idea of the diet is to calm the irritated stomach and to slowly re-introduce the restricted food products back into your diet. It may not be necessary to observe the FODMAP diet for the rest of your life.
If the diet does not help with the symptoms during the try-out, it is recommended to book a doctor’s appointment to find out the cause of the stomach problems. Sudden stomach pain or other unexplained stomach problems should also be investigated by a doctor.
Help from a dietitian with trying the FODMAP diet
A dietitian can help you plan, try and monitor your FODMAP diet individually. Dietitians will make sure that it is safe for you to try the diet and can also provide you with tips on how certain foods not allowed in the diet can be replaced. This helps establish a more varied and enjoyable diet than one that simply leaves out certain foods.

The FODMAP diet in practice
The FODMAP diet initially avoids poorly absorbed and fermentable carbohydrates. After this, restricted foods are gradually introduced back into the diet in small quantities to see which foods cause symptoms.
The FODMAP diet avoids these foods:
- Cereals that contain fructans, i.e. rye, barley and wheat.
- Onion, artichoke, asparagus, beetroot, mushroom and garlic.
- Apple, pear, apple and pear juice, mango, watermelon, plum, cherry, peach and dried fruit.
- Peas, beans, lentils, cabbage and soya powder.
- Cashew and pistachio nuts and large amounts of hazelnuts and almonds.
- Products containing lactose, such as milk and ice cream.
- Products containing oligofructose (FOS) and inulin, such as dairy products, muesli and muesli bars.
- Products containing xylitol, sorbitol, mannitol and maltitol, such as chewing gum or unsweetened pastilles.
- Honey
Also alcohol and the sugar, carbonic acid and caffeine in sodas and energy drinks can make the symptoms worse.
In the FODMAP diet, it is important to replace the avoided carbohydrates with other options.
Foods suitable for a FODMAP diet include:
- Oats, quinoa, rice, maize, buckwheat, millet and, if possible, spelt.
- Tomato, cucumber, carrot, leafy salad, swede, potato and turnip.
- Moderate portions of broccoli, kale and Brussels sprouts.
- Citrus fruit, kiwi, banana, grape, passion fruit, raspberry, blueberry and strawberry.
- Sour milk products, i.e. yoghurt, curdled milk, buttermilk and ripened cheese.
- Lactose-free milk is usually fine.
- Oat drink.
- Seeds.
- Meat, fish, egg and shellfish.
- Tofu and tempeh.
Black and green tea are most likely OK to drink. Coffee is often fine as well, but it's suitability must be verified by testing.
Frequently asked questions about the FODMAP diet
The FODMAP diet is a diet that includes less of certain unabsorbable and fermentable carbohydrates than most diets. Unabsorbed carbohydrates end up in the large intestine, where bacteria produce energy from them through fermentation. Intestinal gases are produced during fermentation and water ends up in the intestine, which can feel unpleasant in the intestines and cause stomach problems.
The FODMAP diet can provide a solution if your stomach issues place certain restrictions on your life. The FODMAP diet may be suitable for people with sensitive stomachs or IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). People with sensitive stomachs are often sensitive to the fermentation of carbohydrates in the body. In addition, the bowel movement of a person with a sensitive stomach may be abnormally frequent, which may increase the feeling of pain and unpleasantness.
The FODMAP diet should be tested for 4–6 weeks. The idea of the diet is to calm the irritated stomach and to slowly re-introduce the restricted food products back into your diet.
A dietitian can help you plan, try and monitor your FODMAP diet individually. Dietitians will make sure that it is safe for you to try the diet and can also provide you with tips on how certain foods not allowed in the diet can be replaced. This helps establish a more varied and enjoyable diet than one that simply leaves out certain foods.
You can also try a partial FODMAP diet yourself, but you need to know what you are doing and make sure you get all the nutrients you need. Otherwise, it is possible to experience the symptoms of various deficiencies. For example, dairy products are the primary source of iodine for people in Finland, and removing dairy products from your diet altogether can increase the risk of iodine deficiency. Likewise, you should not diagnose yourself with coeliac disease. The stomach issues of several people are more likely caused by unabsorbable carbohydrates than gluten.
Stress and exhaustion can cause stomach problems. Stress, for example, can cause symptoms that resemble a temporary lactose intolerance that will subside when your life becomes more balanced. People with stomach problems should think about life as a whole and pay attention to getting enough sleep.
Stress, fatigue, jet lag, night shifts and excessively large meals can make the stomach issues worse. Your stomach will benefit from regular sleeping and eating rhythms. Dietitians can also help you with regular eating, proper meal sizes and a healthy relationship with food.