Driving license certificate
Driving license certificate briefly
- A driving license certificate, or medical certificate for a driving license, is a statement given by a doctor that confirms a person's health status and suitability for driving a vehicle when renewing a driving license or when health issues arise.
- The medical examination reviews, among other things, vision, hearing, mobility and functional capacity, and any diseases that may affect driving ability.
- The examination lasts between 15–40 minutes, depending on the driving license class and need.
Prices for driving license certificates by group
Group 1 driving license classes:
Passenger car (B, BE), van, motorcycle (A, A1, A2), moped license (AM/120), moped car license (AM 121), tractor (T):
- Usually, self-certification of meeting health requirements is sufficient.
- A medical certificate is necessary if you have a disease affecting driving health.
- You need an extended driving license certificate, i.e., a medical statement, if you renew your driving license the day after your 70th birthday or later.
Weekdays 159 €, Saturday 199 €, and Sunday 279 €.
The price includes the reception visit, doctor's statement or certificate, and polyclinic and Kanta fees.
You can book an appointment for Mehiläinen's fixed-price driving license certificate service through online booking. You can also book an appointment for a service where prices vary by expert. Expert-specific prices are visible in the online booking after selecting an expert.
Group 2 driving license classes:
Truck licenses (C1, C1E, C, CE), bus licenses (D1, D1E, D, DE), and vehicle combinations they pull:
- If you have a Group 2 (truck and/or bus) driving license that expires before you turn 45, you do not need a medical statement for renewal.
- If you do not need to drive a bus or truck, you can relinquish your Group 2 driving license classes by lowering your driving rights. This way, you can avoid submitting medical statements.
Weekdays 189 €, Saturday 239 €, and Sunday 339 €.
The price includes the reception visit, doctor's statement or certificate, and polyclinic and Kanta fees.
You can book an appointment for Mehiläinen's fixed-price driving license certificate service through online booking. You can also book an appointment for a service where prices vary by expert. Expert-specific prices are visible in the online booking after selecting an expert.
Group 1 driving license certificate for those over 70 and Group 2 driving license certificate for those over 68.
During the health examination, you can fill out a pre-information form intended for all age groups and additionally the pre-information part of the extended examination (under the supervision of a doctor or nurse).
For an extended medical examination, previous medical records and medication information are needed, which are usually found in MyKantaExternal link if consent for data visibility has been granted.
Weekdays 229 €, Saturday 289 €, and Sunday 419 €.
The price includes the reception visit, doctor's statement or certificate, and polyclinic and Kanta fees.
You can book an appointment for Mehiläinen's fixed-price driving license certificate service through online booking. You can also book an appointment for a service where prices vary by expert. Expert-specific prices are visible in the online booking after selecting an expert.
How to obtain a driving license certificate
You can apply for a driving license certificate at the earliest 6 months before the driving license expires.
You will receive information and necessary forms from Traficom or the police regarding driving license renewal. If you have not received a pre-information form, you can save and print the pre-information form from Traficom's website.External link
Fill out the pre-information form and bring it to the reception.
You can book an appointment for an extended driving license certificate with our general practitioner. Please note that driving license statements cannot be done remotely.
Book an appointment for a suitable reception online or by calling our customer service at 010 414 00 (local network rate/mobile charge):
- Driving license certificate, Group 1 (under 70 years old)
Driving license classes: Passenger car (B, BE), van, motorcycle (A, A1, A2), moped license (AM/120), moped car license (AM 121), tractor (T) - Driving license certificate, Group 2 (under 68 years old)
Driving license classes: Truck licenses (C1, C1E, C, CE), bus licenses (D1, D1E, D, DE), and vehicle combinations they pull - Extended driving license certificate
Group 1 driving license certificate for those over 70 and Group 2 driving license certificate for those over 68.
Health Information: For an extended medical examination, we need previous medical records and medication information, which can be found in the MyKanta serviceExternal link, if consent for data visibility has been granted. In the MyKanta service, you can give permission to use stored information between different social and health care service providers. You can also give permission for data transfer or set data transfer prohibitions during a health care visit if you do not want to use MyKanta.
Bring to the reception:
- Filled Traficom pre-information form
- Photo ID (passport, valid driving license, or ID card)
- Current glasses
- Current hearing aid
- If you use contact lenses, remove them before coming to the examination.
Registration: Arrive at the reception 10 minutes before the booked time. You can register with the OmaMehiläinen app, by showing a photo ID (photo ID card, passport, or driving license) at the registration machine, or you can register at the service desk.
Examination: In driving health examinations, the doctor pays special attention to chronic diseases, medications, and possible substance dependence or memory problems. If necessary, the general practitioner can refer to an ophthalmologist for more detailed examinations.
The examination includes a doctor's examination, assessment of health status, and a driving license certificate.
- Vision and field of vision check
- Impact of possible diseases and medications on driving ability
The examination lasts between 15–40 minutes, depending on the driving license class and need.
Submit your application through Traficom's My e-ServicesExternal link if it is:
- Driving license renewal when the driving license expires (Group 1, extended examinations)
- Driving license class upgrade
- Applying for the first driving license
Submit the printed driving health statement to the police if it is:
- Group 2 age inspection (50, 55, 60, 65)
- Police-ordered medical examination
- Early medical examination
- Notifications and statements related to driving bans.
Frequently asked questions about driving license certificate
You need the pre-information form sent by the Transport and Communications Agency, Traficom, for the examination. If you have not received the pre-information form, you can save and print the pre-information form from Traficom's website.External link
Bring to the reception:
- Your filled Traficom pre-information form
- Photo ID (passport, valid driving license, or ID card)
- Current glasses
- If you use contact lenses, bring the lens case, as the vision test is done without contact lenses.
The driving license certificate is valid for six months after the doctor's visit.
At Mehiläinen, the price of the driving license certificate includes the reception visit, doctor's statement or certificate, and polyclinic and Kanta fees.
- Driving license certificate, Group 1 (under 70 years old): Price on weekdays 159 €, Saturday 199 €, and Sunday 279 €.
- Driving license certificate, Group 2 (under 68 years old): Price on weekdays 189 €, Saturday 239 €, and Sunday 339 €.
- Extended driving license certificate: Price on weekdays 229 €, Saturday 289 €, and Sunday 419 €.
You can book an appointment for Mehiläinen's fixed-price driving license certificate service. The price includes the reception visit, doctor's statement or certificate, and polyclinic and Kanta fees.
You can also book an appointment for a service where prices vary by expert. Expert-specific prices are visible in the online booking after selecting an expert.
Writing driving license certificates is usually not included in occupational health agreements, but check this with your own occupational health agreement.
An electronic driving license certificate refers to the electronic transfer of driving health examination information to the OmaKanta service, from which the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency, Traficom, receives the information electronically.
The electronic driving license certificate is only applicable to Group 1, which includes driving license categories AM/120, AM/121 (moped and moped car), T (tractor), A1, A2, A (motorcycle), B, BE (car).
If there are issues with the transfer of information, please contact the office or specialist from which the information was sent.
Group 1 driving license certificate for those over 70 years old and Group 2 driving license certificate for those over 68 years old.
In the extended driving license certificate, which is part of the medical examination for the elderly, in addition to blood pressure, hearing, vision, and general health, memory and functional capacity are also assessed.
Group 1:
Driving license categories: Car (B, BE), van, motorcycle (A, A1, A2), moped license (AM/120), moped car license (AM 121), tractor (T)
Good to know: After the first extended medical statement, the examination is renewed every five years.
Group 2:
Driving license categories: Truck licenses (C1, C1E, C, CE), bus licenses (D1, D1E, D, DE) and the vehicle combinations they tow
- For certain diseases, an extended driving license certificate made by a specialist is required, which is clarified by a request from the police.
Good to know:
- Usually, the first extended medical examination is done at the age of 68-70 and then every two years.
- Previous medical history and medication information are required for the extended medical examination, which are usually found in MyKantaExternal link if consent for data visibility has been granted.
- The extended driving license certificate must be delivered to the Trafi office. More information at Traficom.fiExternal link
You can book an appointment for an extended driving license certificate with our general practitioner. Please note that driving license statements cannot be done remotely.
You can also book an appointment by calling Mehiläinen's appointment number 010 414 00 (local network rate/mobile charge).
Book an appointment for an extended driving license certificate