Job vacancies for physicians
With us, you get to work in a wide range of positions, develop your career and influence your own work, both in the private and municipal sector. Welcome!
Become a doctor for Mehiläinen – one house, all possibilities
We are constantly present in the twists and turns in people’s lives – however great or small. Whether that’s in pain, surprise, stress, joy. Each one in different ways. But one thing unites us all - we’re on a lifelong mission. If you feel the same way, come and work with us.
Welcome to Mehiläinen's agile and flexible work community. With us, you get to make extensive use of your professional skills and work in a wide range of positions, develop your career and influence your own work, both in the private and municipal sector.
Together, we are building the best workplace for a professional by leading fairly and taking an uncompromising approach to quality. With us, you can perform genuinely meaningful work as part of an encouraging and experimental work environment. Our physicians are pleased with our team spirit, supervisory work and leadership.
Whether you are looking for a full-time, part-time, day, evening or weekend job in employment or as an entrepreneur, you will receive personal support for your choices from the very beginning. Check out the different job descriptions and specialist training programmes we offer, and contact us via the form. We will map out job opportunities for you in a way that suits your wishes and life situation. You can also contact the people in charge of recruitment directly: Contact information for medical clinic and hospital recruitment (in Finnish) and contact information for public-sector recruitment (in Finnish).
A private practitioner at Mehiläinen
We have a supportive work community, and we invest in professional development and training. Our multidisciplinary team and comprehensive and well-functioning support services support your work. We tailor your job according to your wishes and life situation.
An occupational health physician at Mehiläinen
We provide high-quality occupational health care and have diverse opportunities in occupational health specialties such as musculoskeletal disorders, mental health, corporate cooperation, leadership, training or digital development. Our occupational health physicians use the best and most modern occupational health care tools available in Finland.
Public healthcare services
In public healthcare services, you get to work in emergency services, health centres outsourced to Mehiläinen, Harjun terveys, Mehiläinen Länsi-Pohja or in municipal healthcare partner locations. We offer you the opportunity to tailor the job assignments and working time according to your life situation.
A remote physician
With us, you can utilise your expertise and map out your experience as a remote physician in both the private and public sector. Mehiläinen is a pioneer in digital health care services, whose best-known and most visible service is Digital Clinic. The remote appointment interface offers the most diverse range in the industry of functionalities that facilitate the work of the doctor and improve the patient’s experience.
Becoming a dentist at Mehiläinen

With us, you can work as a dentist in the private or public sector, as a private practitioner or in an employment relationship. At Hammas Mehiläinen, you can focus entirely on clinical work. In addition to modern facilities, you have access to the latest equipment and tools in the industry, as well as state-of-the-art background and support services.
Become a doctor for Docrates Mehiläinen

Docrates Mehiläinen Cancer Center employs nearly 100 experts in cancer diagnostics and treatment. We are one of the most inspiring workplaces in Finland.We offer healthcare professionals an exciting opportunity to work at a unique and modern hospital designed for cancer diagnostics and treatment. The well-being of our patients and experts always comes first.
Become a Mehiläinen physician – we will map out the possibilities for you
We would be happy to hear your wishes regarding future work possibilities and tell you about our comprehensive job opportunities. We will map job opportunities throughout Finland on your behalf and help you to choose a suitable form of work. Please submit your contact information through the form, and we will be in touch.
You can also contact the people in charge of recruitment directly: Contact information for medical clinic and hospital recruitment (in Finnish) and contact information for public-sector recruitment (in Finnish).
Doctors talk about their work in Mehiläinen
Esihenkilöllä on todella tärkeä merkitys työssä viihtymisen ja fiiliksen ylläpitämisen kannalta. Meillä Ruoholahdessa tässä on onnistuttu todella hyvin. Meillä on tosi hyvä tiimi, aina on apua ja konsultaatiota saatavilla. Mehiläisessä asioita – vaikkapa ihan toimintatapoja – voi muuttaa nopeallakin aikataululla, se on positiivista.
Niko, Yleislääkäri
Tekemisen meininki täällä Mehiläisessä tarkoittaa sitä, että asioita ei pelkästään suunnitella, vaan ne toteutetaan. Teen samanaikaisesti tutkimustyötä, enkä oikeastaan tiedä parempaa paikkaa, missä voin yhdistää potilastyön ja tutkimuksen. Kaikkein parasta on kuitenkin ne pikkupotilaat - palkitsevinta on heidän kohtaamisensa.
Jaana, Lastenlääkäri
Meillä on ollut aina tekemisen meininki - me kaikki pelataan samaan maaliin. Täällä on ollut todella mukava olla töissä, koska tuntuu, että kaikki haluavat tehdä tätä samaa asiaa. Omat kollegat täällä Mehiläisessä ovat äärimmäisen mukavia, vanhoja tuttuja ja osa hyviä ystäviäkin. Olen hirveän tyytyväinen, että tuli valittua tämä ammatti ja tähän olen päätynyt.
Samppa, Ortopedi
The best thing about Mehiläinen is the people who work together every day! Let’s help each other and make room for developing great ideas in a successful way!
Piritta, Responsible occupational health physician
Mehiläinen invests in the training of young doctors, work is performed with high quality and ethically and the specialisation in occupational health care is progressing rapidly. It is a joy to come to work every day!
Tytti, Occupational health physician
The best thing about Mehiläinen is the diverse opportunities in different fields.
Hanne, Physician
In occupational health care, the team is everything. The occupational health nurse, occupational health physiotherapist and occupational health psychologist work together daily, so there is never any need to solve problems alone. Your supervisor can also help, if necessary, as can other colleagues.
Tytti, Occupational health physician
The best thing about Mehiläinen is the team spirit and professional work community, which constantly seeks to develop its expertise. Valuing the quality of work and services.
Essi, Occupational health physician
Haluan panostaa erityisesti tiedon jakamiseen, sillä suusairaudet ovat eteneviä tiloja. Mä uskon todella paljon ennaltaehkäisyyn. Teen todella mielelläni töitä pelkopotilaiden kanssa, koska silloin ei hoideta vain pelkkää suuta, vaan työstetään myös pelon taustalla olevia asioita, kuten häpeää. Kaikilla on oikeus hyvään oloon itsestään. Hampaat saa aina hoidettua kuntoon tavalla tai toisella.
Julia, Hammaslääkäri
Mehiläisessä on lääkäreille hyvät koulutus- ja erikoistumismahdollisuudet. Myös työn joustavuus - joka on itselleni perheenäitinä hyvin tärkeää - toteutuu hyvin. Aina on ollut mahdollisuus tehdä työtä juuri sillä tavalla, mikä itselle sopii: etävastaanottoa, päivystystä ja poliklinikkavastaanottoa.
Hanne, Työterveyshuoltoon erikoistuva lääkäri
Tieto & Taito – specialisation, training and research
With us, you can specialise as a specialist and also carry out research work flexibly while working in different parts of Finland. You will receive support for your research and specialisation from your own training physician and other colleagues. In addition, we also organise a wide range of leadership training for our physicians.
We cooperate with all Finnish medical faculties and, if necessary, we can guide you in applying for a specialisation programme. At our viewing point, you can also follow our other research and innovation projects.
In the Tieto & Taito – specialist training programme of Mehiläinen occupational health care, you specialise in becoming an occupational health care specialist, flexibly during work. The Skills and Knowledge specialist training programme of occupational health care can be joined flexibly at any time of the year.
In the Master of General Medicine programme, you get to work in a work community of a modern health centre, where the opinions of the specialists are listened to and they are involved in the development of the health centre. We have invested in a comprehensive orientation programme and in-house training.
We offer physicians and recent graduates specialising in orthopaedics and traumatology career coaching, guidance and the opportunity to get to know Mehiläinen as an employer and workplace. Let's plan together your career path at Mehiläinen for years to come.
We have been proven to be an ideal employer
As an employer, Mehiläinen is flexible, reliable and developing. Our professionals are genuinely happy to be working with us, and we invest in their holistic well-being and provide them with opportunities to develop and shine in their work.

Our job opportunities for Bachelors of Medicine
Working with us as a Bachelor of Medicine, you get to utilise what you have learned and develop your professionalism under the guidance of top professionals. We offer versatile job opportunities for medical students, for example, at our medical clinics, customer service centre, insurance services and laboratories.

Job vacancies for physicians
See job vacancies for physicians on our Finnish page. Learn more about job vacancies in Meliva EstoniaExternal link, Meliva SwedenExternal link and Meliva GermanyExternal link. Meliva is the subsidiary of Mehiläinen.
Are you interested in working with us?
To work in digital health care services in Finland, you must have a licence in Finland and sufficient spoken and written language skills in Finnish. Unfortunately we can’t offer internship places either.
Read more about planning to work in the social welfare and health care field in FinlandExternal link. When licence and language skills are completed please don’t hesitate to contact us.