Equality and non-discrimination at Mehiläinen
What does equality, non-discrimination and diversity at Mehiläinen mean?
At Mehiläinen, equality and equity are the foundation of our everyday life. We are committed to equality and non-discrimination in our values and actions, and we want to be a workplace where everyone feels well, and diversity is seen as a strength. We want our employees and customers to feel accepted and valued just as they are.
Equality, non-discrimination and diversity at Mehiläinen means inclusion, consideration of each individual and individual interaction and working together in accordance with Mehiläinen's values.
Blogi: Yhdenvertaisuus koskee meitä kaikkia
Monimuotoisuus ei ole vain hyväksyttävää, vaan se on voimavara, joka luo pohjan inhimilliselle ymmärrykselle ja yhteenkuuluvuudelle. Felicitas Mehiläisen yksikönjohtaja Miia Savander kirjoittaa blogissa perhemuotojen moninaistumisesta ja siitä miten lapsettomuusklinikat voivat tukea monenlaisia perheitä heidän matkallaan kohti vanhemmuutta.

Equality survey and training
The development work for non-discrimination and equality is ongoing. Mehiläinen's equality survey was conducted for already the fourth time in 2024, with more than 3,000 Mehiläinen employees responding to it. In 2023, there were over 2,800 respondents, in 2022 over 2,000 and in 2021 over 1,300. Based on the surveys, the company’s equality and non-discrimination plan was updated and training for employees on how to encounter sexual diversity in customer work was arranged.
We asked the employees to tell us what equality and equity mean to them in their work.
Diversity is normal, normal is equality. Equality starts with the individual, and the individual is a part of diversity.
Marko, Unit Manager, Child Protection Foster Care
We work from person to person, as equals and without discrimination.
Minna, HR Specialist
We treat each other with respect and are tolerant. We value each other as people and as individuals. We treat everyone as we hope to be treated ourselves.
Johanna, Unit Manager
Everyone is allowed to be their wonderful self and feel important.
Ida, Customer Relations Coordinator
We all have different stories and different paths but the same goal.
Sini, Dental Nurse
Everyone is equally important and valuable to us.
Ville, Digital Content Manager
Everyone has the same opportunities to influence matters and to be heard, and can trust that this will continue in the future.
Tiia-Maria, Nurse
Every professional is their own self, as their own person, an equal part of the work community; as representatives of different professional groups. Together we are more.
Minna, Chief Physician
I don't make assumptions about others, but give everyone the opportunity to tell their own story. I feel safe coming to work every day just as I am.
Vesa-Pekka, Graphic Designer/Copywriter
It is safe for me to be me and it is safe for you to be you.
Outi, Practical Nurse
Mehiläinen strengthens its work on equality
Psychiatrist Teemu Kärnä has been appointed as Mehiläinen's leading expert on equality and non-discrimination issues. This corporate-wide consultative role supports the development of Mehiläinen's work on equality and non-discrimination, including efforts such as an equality survey and training offerings.

Interacting with LGBT+ people at Mehiläinen
In cooperation with Seta's professionals, Mehiläinen has organised training for all employees on how to interact with LGBT+ people. The training focused on interacting with LGBT+ people both in customer work and in the work community, and we have received basic knowledge of different LGBT+ identities, the correct terminology and sensitive interaction. In addition, the themes of the training included attitudes and normative thinking, which can either be an obstacle to equality or an enabler of it.
Helsinki Pride partnership
Mehiläinen has been one of the official partners of Helsinki Pride for several years. Helsinki Pride, Finland's largest celebration of human rights, the LGBT+ community and equality, takes place in June, culminating in Pride Week at the end of the month.

Mehiläinen Code of Conduct
All Mehiläinen professionals are committed to promoting equality and non-discrimination as part of Mehiläinen's Code of Conduct.

Lue lisää yhdenvertaisuudesta ja tasa-arvosta Mehiläisessä
Yhdenvertainen kohtaaminen
Yhdenvertaisuus luo perustan avoimelle dialogille, yhteistyölle ja yhteisymmärrykselle ihmisten välillä – niin kotona, ystäväporukoissa, työelämässä kuin lääkärin vastaanotollakin. Mehiläisen psykoterapeutti ja työssään erilaisia perheitä kohtaava Felicitas Mehiläisen lapsettomuuslääkäri korostavat aktiivisen kuuntelun ja yksilöllisen kohtaamisen tärkeyttä.

Read more about equality and non-discrimination at Mehiläinen
10 facts about the increasingly common fertility treatments for female couples
Today, almost twice as many female couples and independent women are treated compared to five years ago. Anna-Kaisa Poranen, Fertility Doctor at Felicitas Mehiläinen, explains 10 facts about different modes of fertility treatment for female couples.

Aliisa and Essi's journey towards motherhood
Aliisa and Essi have dreamt for a long time of having a child of their own. Finally, the path towards parenthood can begin after finding the right clinic and specialist.

Essi and Sara had their child with the help of donated sperm cells
Essi and Sara had their first child, now four years old, with the help of donated sperm cells. Now, there is also a one-year-old boy in the family. “The children have brought more friends and happiness to our everyday life,” they say.