Practical training at Mehiläinen
Welcome to practical training at Mehiläinen! We offer high-quality, well-designed and versatile on-the-job learning opportunities for students of various occupational groups all over Finland.
Mehiläinen for students
Students are warmly welcome to Mehiläinen to utilise what you have learned and develop your professionalism under the guidance of top professionals. We offer a wide variety of internships, for example, at Mehiläinen’s own medical clinics, hospitals and units operating in public healthcare.
We offer high-quality, well-designed and versatile on-the-job learning opportunities for nurses, practical nurses, doctors and other health care students. In addition to health care positions, we also offer internships in our support services, such as marketing and HR teams. In addition to practical training, you can do your thesis or carry out a development project at Mehiläinen, for example.
Be part of Mehiläinen’s story!
Practical training and on-the-job learning
We offer high-quality, well-designed and versatile on-the-job learning opportunities for students of various occupational groups all over Finland. We hope you can share what you have just learned with us and also learn more from us.
At Mehiläinen, interns are looked after and our well-planned orientation ensures that your work starts smoothly. In addition, the team supports you throughout your on-the-job learning period. See below how you can apply for internships for in positions.
Internships at Mehiläinen's nursing homes for the disabled – Onnikodit
Please contact the Unit Manager of the unit where you would like to complete your internship. You can find the Onnikoti units hereExternal link.
Internships at Mehiläinen's nursing homes for the elderly – Mainiokodit
Please contact the Unit Manager of the unit where you would like to complete your internship. You can find the Mainiokoti units hereExternal link.
Internships at Mehiläinen's homes for mental health and substance abuse rehabilitation patients – Ykköskodit
Please contact the Unit Manager of the unit where you would like to complete your internship. You can find the Ykköskoti units hereExternal link.
Internships at Mehiläinen's child welfare and family services – Familar
Please contact the Unit Manager of the unit where you would like to complete your internship. You can find the Familar units hereExternal link.
Internships for nurses and practical nurses at Mehiläinen’s medical clinics
Please contact the Service Manager of the unit where you are interested in completing your internship by e-mail. You can find the contact details of our medical clinics and their contact persons here.
Health nurse internships at Mehiläinen Working Life Services
Please send your application by e-mail to: tyoterveyshoitajaksi@mehilainen.fi. In the subject field, please indicate the area and unit or units where you are interested in completing your internship. If you want, you can also attach your CV.
Radiological nurse internships at Mehiläinen’s medical clinics
Please send your application by e-mail to: kuvantaminen-mehilainen@mehilainen.fi. In the subject field, please indicate the area and unit or units where you are interested in completing your internship. If you want, you can also attach your CV.
Bioinformatician internships at Mehiläinen’s laboratories
Please send your application by e-mail to: beelab@mehilainen.fi In the subject field, please indicate the area and unit or units where you are interested in completing your internship. If you want, you can also attach your CV.
Internships at Mehiläinen's home and nursing services
You can browse the internships at Mehiläinen's home and nursing services here.
Mehiläinen offers internships for, for example, dental nursing, dental hygienist or dentist students, both in private and public service locations.
Hammas Mehiläinen internships
If you are interested in internships as a dental nurse or dental hygienist in the private sector, i.e. at Hammas Mehiläinen's clinics, please send an e-mail to: miia.ruhanen@mehilainen.fi
Public sector healthcare internships
If you are interested in internships as a dental nurse or dental hygienist in the public sector, please send an e-mail to: ann-mari.lucander@mehilainen.fi and, if you are interested in a dentist’s internship, miia.ehrnrooth@mehilainen.fi
Fysios Mehiläinen is part of the Mehiläinen Group and we employ more than 1,200 professionals in the field of therapy. We offer a wide range of therapeutic services in nearly 100 locations and more than 150 units.
Fysios Mehiläinen offers services for children and young people, from people of working age to the elderly, sports clubs and, for example, pregnant women and mothers who have given birth. Our professionals are trained in, for example, musculoskeletal physiotherapy, maternal and pelvic floor physiotherapy, sports physiotherapy, neurological and geriatric physiotherapy, lymphatic therapy and psychophysical physiotherapy.
If you are interested in an internship in occupational or speech therapy, please contact the Area Manager of the area where you are interested in completing your internship. You can find the contact details of Area Managers on this page.
Mehiläinen has good specialisation opportunities for doctors and we also engage in versatile educational and research cooperation with medical universities. Take a closer look at our Skills and Knowledge page for more information.
Mehiläinen also offers versatile job opportunities for medical students, for example, at our medical clinics, customer service centre, insurance services and laboratories. You can find out more information about job opportunities for Bachelors of Medicine here.
Our digital service internships are published here. If you wish, you can also submit an open application via the same website.
Radiological nurses
Mehiläinen offers radiological nurses a wide range of opportunities for internships in Mehiläinen's private medical clinics. With us, you can develop your skills as a radiological nurse and get good orientation to your internship. We have an open atmosphere, every team member is appreciated and you get the support of the whole team during your internship.
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Mehiläinen offers a wide range of internship opportunities for bioinformaticians in medical clinics around Finland. The Skills and Knowledge orientation programme of Mehiläinen's laboratory sector offers bioinformaticians the opportunity to develop into laboratory work specialists.
Contact us:

Working on a thesis or development project?
In addition to internships, Mehiläinen also offers the opportunity for completing, for example, a thesis or development project, as well as other research cooperation.

The most ideal workplace for students in the health care sector

Health care students chose Mehiläinen as the most ideal place to work in the Universum student survey. More than 1,800 health care and medical students studying in Finland responded to the survey.
Students also chose Mehiläinen as the most ideal place to work in the health care sector in 2023 and 2022.