Memory and memory disorders
Approximately 130,000 people in Finland are affected by memory disorders. Memory disorders are most common among the elderly population, but people of working age are also susceptible to them to an increasing extent. Memory disorders will become more common as the average age of the population increases, which is why Mehiläinen provides appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic services.
Basic information about memory disorders
- The most common memory disorder is Alzheimer's disease, which can be treated effectively if the treatment begins at an early stage of the disease.
- Other significant memory disorders include vascular cognitive impairment, which is caused by dysfunction of the cerebrovascular system, Lewy body dementia and frontotemporal lobar degeneration.
- Dementia is not a specific disease, but a disorder, which is often caused by Alzheimer's disease or another degenerative brain disease.
- Temporary memory problems can be caused by insomnia and tiredness, stress, work-related fatigue, depression, pain, alcohol abuse and a variety of medicines, for example.
- It is important to study the memory problems experienced by people of working age in order to exclude the possibility of encephalopathy and arrange appropriate treatment.
Learn more about physicians specialised in memory disorders and book an appointment
Services related to memory disorders are available at nearly all Mehiläinen clinics. Our professionals specialised in memory disorders:
- general practitioners
- specialists
- memory nurses
- psychologists
Depending on the type of support you need, you can choose to book an appointment with a physician specialised in memory disorders or with a nurse, for instance. If you are worried about the condition of your memory, you can book an appointment with a memory nurse or a psychologist, who can test your memory functions by conducting a CERAD test, for example. If you suspect that you have a memory disorder or you have been diagnosed with one, please book an appointment with a physician specialised in the diagnosis and treatment of memory disorders. The geriatricians and neurologists of Mehiläinen are able to perform memory disorder tests that are used to detect any possible memory disorders and create individual treatment plans.
Book an appointment with our experts who will help you choose the right specialist.
Memory and vitamin B12
The lack of vitamin B12 is common among people over 60, but only 20% of such cases are diagnosed. Common symptoms of the lack of vitamin B12 are unspecific and mild neurologic or psychic disorders. The level of vitamin B12 must be examined whenever neurologic symptoms occur or a memory disorder is suspected.
How can memory be treated?
Listen to an interview (from Spring 2015, in Finnish) with Ari Rosenvall, a specialist in general practice, about how stress and hurry can affect memory and how memory can be looked after. Learn more about how to detect the symptoms of a memory disorder and how such disorders are treated.