Nooa Säästöpankki: HR Specialist Petra Liikanen
Work Ability Support (Työkykyturva) is a unique and comprehensive occupational health service developed in cooperation between Mehiläinen and LähiTapiola.
Nooa Säästöpankki is an urban local bank in the Helsinki metropolitan area with about 100 employees. The company’s principle is to promote the financial well-being of its customers, which means that the well-being of its employees is also vitally important. Nooa Säästöpankki also believes that it is important for its employees to have an opportunity to develop their skills.
Nooa Säästöpankki chose the Work Ability Support service as it involves a multidisciplinary team that supports and guides the company’s employees in matters related to both free time and work. Mehiläinen has been the occupational health partner of Nooa Säästöpankki for nearly two years.
- The wide range and clarity of services have been particularly important in these exceptional times. The package pricing of Work Ability Support is really simple as well, says Nooa Säästöpankki’s HR Specialist Petra Liikanen.
Nooa Säästöpankki believes that ensuring the work ability of its employees in a proactive manner plays a key role in the comprehensive well-being of the personnel.
- To us, it is important to engage in cooperation now and in the future and that our employees can reach the members of the occupational health team as effortlessly as possible. During the COVID-19 pandemic, with its sometimes confusing instructions and guidelines, Mehiläinen has provided easy-to-understand information for employers about what should be taken into account and communicated forward, says Petra Liikanen.
Reference published 2022