Substance abuse services in working life
Substance use among the working-age population in Finland has changed in many ways over the past decade, and this must also be taken into account in occupational health care. Substance abuse services as part of working life services ensure a smooth and comprehensive treatment chain for employees who struggle with substance abuse-related issues. In addition to comprehensive preventive services, the service model enables quick and uninterrupted treatment to overcome substance abuse problems.
People binge-drink less, but the consumption of alcohol has become more regular. More than 30% of the adult population are at-risk users.
Substance abuse
The use of drugs, especially cannabis, is becoming increasingly common among working people as well.
The employer is responsible for drawing up a substance abuse programme together with occupational health care. The substance abuse programme is included as a part of the occupational health care action plan.
According to Government Decree 1484/2001External link, occupational health care must provide advice and guidance on the prevention and treatment of substance abuse problems and the early identification of substance abusers as well as their referral to treatment.
Healthcare is responsible for providing treatment for substance abuse and addiction (Health Care Act 1326/2010 section 28External link).

Substance abuse services as part of Working Life Services
The aim of Mehiläinen’s substance abuse services is to facilitate the restoration of an employee’s work ability through therapeutic interventions in cooperation with the employer’s representatives. In addition to early detection, we offer targeted, individual substance abuse treatment as part of our multidisciplinary occupational health care services to maintain and secure work ability.
Our service model enables us to:
- Prevent and reduce drug-related harm in all operations at the individual level and in corporate cooperation
- Identify the risk of substance abuse as early as possible
- Support at-risk users’ changed substance use behaviour to improve health and well-being
- Treat substance addiction systematically and support the work ability of addicted employees through multidisciplinary cooperation
- Support and promote work ability in cooperation with the employee, the employer, occupational health care and, if necessary, another partner
Mehiläinen’s substance abuse services utilise a model in which the employee is referred to the most suitable treatment programme based on a structured assessment. This enables timely access to treatment and support services, also making the model cost-effective for the employer.
When substance abuse treatment is included in occupational health care services, we are able to offer multidisciplinary cooperation in a timely manner and as needed. Various treatment options are available, including early support and counselling, psychosocial treatment, peer support groups, laboratory tests and digital services. A realistic treatment plan and timely intervention improve the treatment result.
Substance abuse services
A substance abuse assessment is an easy and quick way to obtain an evaluation of the employee’s situation from a substance abuse professional.
The assessment is suited to situations where
- the employee is concerned about their own substance use
- the supervisor is concerned about the employee’s substance use
- occupational health care has reason to suspect substance abuse based on surveys or a specialist’s observations
The assessment includes a situational evaluation of the customer’s substance use by a substance abuse professional. The assessment is carried out as part of the treatment referral process to support the drawing up of a treatment plan. When seeking treatment through occupational health care, a summary of the situation and a treatment recommendation are also provided to the occupational health care specialist.
The assessment is carried out on an employee-specific basis at a Mehiläinen substance abuse nurse’s appointment. If necessary, the assessment can be carried out over several appointments. Video appointment implementation is also possible.
To whom:
Employees who are concerned about their own substance use and/or well-being. Employees can also be referred to the assessment by their supervisor or occupational health care. Suitable for employees for whom lifestyle counselling is a sufficient form of support.
Starting the programme:
The employee books an appointment with an occupational health nurse who is familiar with substance abuse treatment. An occupational health care specialist can recommend the programme to the employee, but the employee can also book the appointment independently.
Content (five consultations):
- Individual treatment plan with goals
- Identifying risk situations and mapping resources
- Working towards change
- Final assessment and, if necessary, a follow-up treatment recommendation
- Max. duration three months
To whom:
Employees who have been diagnosed with a mild substance use disorder and are concerned about their own substance use and/or well-being. Employees can also be referred to the programme by their supervisor or occupational health care.
Starting the programme:
A referral is required. Occupational health care instructs the employee to book an appointment with a substance abuse nurse for a substance abuse assessment.
Content (ten treatment appointments and two treatment meetings):
- Individual treatment plan with goals
- Identifying risk situations and mapping resources
- In-depth work towards change
- Mid-point assessment and goal review
- Final assessment and, if necessary, a follow-up treatment recommendation
- Duration from six months to two years
To whom:
Employees who have been diagnosed with a substance use disorder and are concerned about their own substance use and/or well-being. Employees can also be referred to the programme by their supervisor or occupational health care.
Starting the programme:
A referral is required. Occupational health care instructs the employee to book an appointment with a substance abuse nurse for a substance abuse assessment.
Content (20 treatment appointments and three treatment meetings):
- Individual treatment plan with goals
- Identifying risk situations and mapping resources
- In-depth and future-oriented work towards change
- Mid-point assessment and goal review
- Final assessment and, if necessary, a follow-up treatment recommendation
- Duration from six months to two years
The peer support group led by substance abuse nurses is intended for customers who are currently receiving or have previously received substance abuse treatment at Mehiläinen Working Life Services and struggle with alcohol or drug use. The goal of the group is to support treatment and maintain change after treatment.
The size of the closed group is 4–6 people. The group meets once a month in 90-minute remote meetings for a total of five times. Anonymous participation is possible.
The themes discussed in the group include:
- Ways to maintain abstinence
- Maintaining change and well-being
- Challenges related to well-being, e.g. insomnia
- Relapse as a learning experience
- Information about substances and their effects
Preventive health and work ability support programmes are an alternative way to support the employee alongside traditional appointments, and they are included in all of our occupational health agreements that cover remote services.
The coaching programmes can be started at an occupational health nurse’s appointment or via the Support for Lifestyle Change chat in OmaMehiläinen’s Digital Clinic.
The programmes we offer for managing substance use and addiction:
- Quitting Smoking – a programme for quitting smoking (duration 13 weeks, includes three meetings with an occupational health nurse and remote support)
- Drink Less – a programme for reducing alcohol consumption (duration 12 weeks, includes three meetings with an occupational health nurse and remote support)
- Quitting Problematic Gambling – a programme for controlling gambling (duration 12 weeks, includes four meetings with an occupational health nurse, remote support and one meeting with a work coach)
- In addition, our occupational health customers can access the five-week Evaluate Your Alcohol Use coaching programme free of charge. The programme can be found in the OmaMehiläinen service (also available in Swedish). The coaching does not include remote support or appointments, but our customers can contact their own occupational health nurse via OmaMehiläinen, if necessary.
Read more about preventive programmes to support health and work ability
Working Life Services as a pioneer of substance abuse treatment for the working-age population
The substance abuse services offered by Mehiläinen Working Life Services are still relatively new, which is why it is not yet possible to provide accurate estimates of the utilisation rate of our substance abuse services.
In terms of alcohol abuse, the following estimates can be given based on reportsExternal link:
- On average, approximately 9–10% of companies’ employees have a drinking problem (not including at-risk users and drug users)
- Approximately 30% of them are identified and referred to substance abuse services
- For example, in a company with 1,000 employees, this would mean that approximately 3%, or about 30 people, are referred to substance abuse services every year
However, we estimate that 3–5% of companies’ employees use substance abuse services.
For more information about substance abuse services, please contact your Mehiläinen occupational health contact person or request a quote.