Information about expressions of will
Mehiläinen operates with several service providers. When you visit a private clinic, Mehiläinen and the independent professional or service provider acting on behalf of their company who is treating you are joint controllers of the registry.
For other services produced within Mehiläinen, such as occupational health and the OmaMehiläinen service, Mehiläinen is the independent controller of the registry.
When you visit Mehiläinen, the processing of your patient information is based on the national social and healthcare legislation in force at the time. In order for the healthcare professionals treating you to provide the best possible care, they need information about your health condition and also necessary information from previous visits, which have been recorded by other professionals. You can influence whether the healthcare professionals treating you use information about you recorded by other professionals operating in Mehiläinen.
Your occupational health information is separate from your private clinic records, but you can also influence their visibility and use on the private clinic side. Additionally, during or after a clinic visit, you can specifically request the encryption of the information from that visit, thereby limiting the visibility of your information. Regardless of the expressions of will you provide, patient information in genetics, psychiatry, and hereditary medicine are specially protected, thus access to such information by other professionals is particularly restricted.
Please note that the use and review of your information among professionals may also be based on a consent to disclose information from the Kanta service. The consent to disclose information from Kanta is different from the expressions of will you provide to Mehiläinen. The expressions of will you provide to Mehiläinen do not affect how your information is displayed through the Kanta service.
More information:
Consent to patient data sharingExternal link (Kanta.fi)
You can change the expressions of will you have provided at any time from the settings of OmaMehiläinen.