Mehiläinen Länsi-Pohja's operational units' patient register and privacy statements
Mehiläinen Länsi-Pohja provides healthcare services at the health centers in Tornio, Kemi, and Simo, as well as at the Länsi-Pohja central hospital, and for Keminmaa, Mehiläinen is the provider of healthcare services. For these operations, the Lapland wellbeing services county acts as the data controller.
Information about the data protection principles of the Lapland wellbeing services county, the processing of personal data, and the use of your rights can be found in the privacy statements at the address: https://lapha.fi/tietosuojaselosteetExternal link (in Finnish)
To review the data included in the patient register and to use other rights of the data subject, we ask you to make information requests using the forms found on the website of the Lapland wellbeing services county at the address: https://lapha.fi/tiedonsaantioikeusExternal link (in Finnish)
Information about Mehiläinen's data protection principles, the processing of personal data, and the use of your rights can be found in Mehiläinen's privacy statements at the address: https://www.mehilainen.fi/en/privacy-statements
The data protection officer for Mehiläinen Länsi-Pohja Oy is Paavo Uusimaa, paavo.uusimaa@mehilainen.fi.