Musculoskeletal therapy services
Extensive musculoskeletal therapy services
Mehiläinen’s professionals are trained and experienced specialists in functional capacity and mobility.
A doctor’s appointment is not always needed
You can book an appointment with a physiotherapist or other musculoskeletal therapy professional without a doctor's referral. Our professionals will refer you to a doctor or other specialist if your condition requires it. Our specialists work together to help you get the best care possible.
It is our job to ensure that movement continues. It is our job is to keep movement going even when it slows down and make sure that it does not become limited. It is our job to take movement to the extreme and enable even the smallest movement at every stage of life.
We offer all therapy services under one roof
We support our customers’ physical and mental well-being at different stages of their life, whether it’s about smaller everyday challenges or big turning points in life.

Price list and payment methods
Learn more about our price list and flexible payment methods that allow you to take care of your well-being or your loved ones in a wide range of situations.

Do you need assistance?
Check out the Customer Service section of our website, where you will find comprehensive instructions and tips for the easy use of our services. Whether it’s about booking an appointment, invoicing or giving feedback, we’re here to help.

Frequently asked questions about musculoskeletal therapy services
Physiotherapy promotes and maintains mobility and functional capacity. Physiotherapists treat musculoskeletal pain and dysfunctions and prevent various types of stress and sports injuries. Learn about our physiotherapy services.
Chiropractic, naprapathy and osteopathy are forms of manual therapy. Chiropractors, naprapaths and osteopaths are healthcare professionals with protected occupational titles.
The basic techniques in chiropractic, osteopathy and naprapathy are largely the same, but no two manual therapy professionals are the same, even within the same professional group. This is because each therapist chooses their own preferred set of treatment techniques out of the many options. Many of them are also familiar with different areas of musculoskeletal therapy, certain diseases or special methods. Discover the expertise of our manual therapy professionals.
Manual therapy refers to treatment carried out by touch. Manual therapy includes, for example, various joint mobilisation and manipulation treatments as well as massage. Manual therapy treatment techniques are used by physiotherapists, chiropractors, osteopaths and naprapaths. Discover the expertise of our manual therapy professionals.
You can book an appointment with a physiotherapist or other musculoskeletal therapist without a doctor's referral. Our professionals will refer you to a doctor or other specialist, if necessary.
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