Vaccinations for babies and children – Frequently asked questions
Specialist in the article

Revised 11/23/2023
Vaccinations for children and babies in a nutshell
- The children’s vaccination programme has been proven to be a safe way to prevent serious diseases.
- With additional vaccinations, you can enhance your child’s protection against, for example, tick-borne encephalitis or hepatitis A and B.
- Feel free to ask about vaccinations for children during your appointment – we are happy to discuss your vaccination-related concerns with you.
Mehiläinen’s paediatricians are here to help you when you need a vaccine for your baby or child.
Book an appointment with a paediatricianOur general practitioners can also help small patients.
Book an appointment with a general practitionerConsult the Digital child health clinic to ask questions about your child’s care or parenting. Qualified midwives and nurses provide support 24/7, either for a one-time fee or a fixed monthly fee.
Learn more about the Digital child health clinicAre children’s vaccines safe?
You can feel safe about the children’s vaccination programme and other vaccines given to children.
- Vaccines in the children’s vaccination programme have been proven to be safe. The vaccines have been in use globally for a long time.
- The development and production of vaccines is strictly regulated and monitored with particular care. The monitoring of vaccines continues even after they have been approved for use.
- Vaccination is always safer than the diseases that they prevent. For example, measles that can be prevented with the MMR vaccine can be a serious disease with severe consequences for people of all ages.
If you are concerned about the safety of vaccines, please do not dwell on your questions alone. Bring up the topic at the child health clinic or a doctor’s appointment.
Children’s vaccination programme – what is a full series of vaccinations?
A full series of vaccinations requires multiple doses against the same disease for complete protection to develop. Therefore, some vaccines will be given several times at the child health clinic or in school health care during your child’s life.
Vaccines in the children’s vaccination programme include:
- Rotavirus vaccine: rotavirus diarrhoea, 2 months, 3 months and 5 months
- Pneumococcal conjugate or PCV vaccine: meningitis, pneumonia, blood poisoning, ear infection, 3 months, 5 months and 12 months
- Influenza vaccine: influenza, from the age of 6 months to 6 years annually
- 5-in-1-vaccine (DTaP-IPV-Hib): diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio and Hib diseases such as meningitis, epiglottitis, blood poisoning, 3 months, 5 months and 12 months
- MMR vaccine: measles, mumps, rubella, 12–18 months
- 4-in-1-vaccine: diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, 4 years
- MMRV vaccine: measles, mumps, rubella, varicella, 6 years
- Varicella vaccine: varicella (chickenpox), 1.5 and 6 or 12 years
- HPV vaccine: cancers caused by the human papillomavirus, 10–12 years
- Dtap booster dose: diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, 14–15 years
When does a child need additional vaccinations outside the vaccination programme?
There are situations where vaccinations outside the vaccination programme may be beneficial to your child.
- The influenza vaccine for children is included in the vaccination programme for children under school age. You can also protect your school-age children and adults in the family from influenza with an influenza vaccine – for children, the vaccine is available as a nasal spray.
- The TBE vaccine gives protection against tick-borne encephalitis – the vaccine is especially beneficial if you spend the summer in areas with a large tick population or spend a lot of time outdoors. For residents of certain regions, the vaccine is included in the vaccination programme.
- Hepatitis A and B vaccines, as well as the meningococcal vaccine, can provide sensible additional protection against serious diseases if your child travels abroad with you.
If you need a vaccine for your child or family, or need vaccination advice, please contact our customer service.
We give individual vaccines without an appointment at several of our locations. These include the tetanus-diphtheria vaccine, polio vaccine, influenza vaccine, and hepatitis A and combination vaccine.
If you need more than one vaccine, please book an appointment with a nurse or public health nurse.
Vaccinations for children and babies – symptoms and side effects?
After vaccination, your child may experience mild and harmless side effects.
After vaccination, your child may experience the following symptoms:
- tenderness, warmth and redness at the injection site
- fever
- tiredness
- irritability
- stomach problems and loose stools, especially after the rotavirus vaccine.
The symptoms usually improve in a couple of days. If necessary, you can give your child antipyretic and pain relief medication. For some vaccines, such as the MMR vaccine, symptoms may not develop until more than a week after vaccination.
Serious side effects, such as allergic reactions, are very rare. However, their possibility is taken into account, and therefore the vaccinator will monitor your child for about 15 minutes after vaccination.
My child is afraid of vaccination – what should I do?
Vaccination can be a big thing for a small child, and many are nervous about or even scared of vaccination. However, many are surprised by how quickly it is over.
The child should be told openly about what happens during the vaccination and why:
- The vaccine turns into an antibody in the body, preventing germs from making you sick.
- During vaccination, you can sit on your parent’s lap or next to them on a chair. You can take your own teddy bear or some other important toy with you.
- First, the nurse cleans the skin with a swab. After that, you must hold your arm completely still so the vaccination is over quickly. The needle feels almost like a mosquito bite. If you can, you can count to five at the same time.
- When the vaccination is over, you will get a plaster and a sticker or something else nice as a reward for being brave.
- After the vaccination, you must wait at the clinic for 15 minutes. If you feel normal, you can go home. You can play normally and attend hobbies on the same day.
Can a child be vaccinated with several different vaccines at the same time?
Yes – and this is often the case. In fact, many of the vaccines are combination vaccines that produce antibodies against many different diseases.
The combination of several different vaccines does not pose a problem for even a small baby’s body, as we all come into contact with several different pathogens every day. Therefore, combination vaccines are similar to a natural situation.
Vaccinations for children and babies when travelling abroad – what needs to be taken into account?
- Babies. Babies have not yet been given all the vaccines that protect them against serious diseases. For example, the MMR vaccine that protects against measles can be given earlier, if necessary.
- Tick areas. Going on holiday in the archipelago or other areas with large tick populations can be a good reason to get a tick-borne encephalitis vaccine for the whole family.
- Influenza. The best way to avoid an unpleasant holiday companion is for the whole family to protect themselves with an influenza vaccine.
- Hepatitis. Hepatitis A and B, which cause severe hepatitis, are present already in Central and Southern Europe. Hepatitis A and B vaccines are a sensible way to protect all family members if you travel a lot with your child.
- Long-distance travel. When you are planning to travel outside Europe, it is a good idea to find out your vaccination needs well in advance. Some countries require tourists to get vaccinated against yellow fever, for example.
The specialist for this was Paediatrician Maria Enlund-Cerullo.
Note! The Kanta fee will not be added to the price of the influenza vaccination. Possible time-bound promotional prices may differ from these.
Read more about group discounts for vaccinations
Mehiläinen’s Mobile Benefits and their use
Service | Price |
Hepatitis A (adult) | 119,50 € No Kela reimbursement |
Hepatitis A (under 16 years old) Information about the traveler's vaccinations. | 93,60 € No Kela reimbursement |
Hepatitis A+B vaccine (adult) | Mobile Benefit 120,00 € No Kela reimbursement 133,00 € No Kela reimbursement |
Hepatitis A+B vaccine (under 16 years old) | Mobile Benefit 94,00 € No Kela reimbursement 110,27 € No Kela reimbursement |
Influenza vaccine The Kanta fee will not be added to the price of the influenza vaccination. Book a vaccination appointment | 55,00 € No Kela reimbursement |
Influenza vaccine and COVID-19 vaccine The price includes a group discount of 20 €. Book a vaccination appointment | 173,50 € No Kela reimbursement |
High-dose influenza vaccine for people aged over 60 The Kanta fee will not be added to the price of the influenza vaccination. Book a vaccination appointment | 95,00 € No Kela reimbursement |
High-dose influenza vaccine and COVID-19 vaccine The price includes a group discount of 20 €. Book a vaccination appointment | 213,50 € No Kela reimbursement |
Nasal spray influenza vaccine (2-17 year olds) The outpatient fee will not be added to the price of vaccine. Book a vaccination appointment | 82,00 € No Kela reimbursement |
COVID-19 vaccine The Kanta fee will not be added to the price of the COVID-19 vaccination. Book an appointment for a COVID-19 vaccination. | 142,00 € No Kela reimbursement |
Tetanus and diphtheria vaccine Information about the tetanus-diphtheria vaccine. Book an appointment for vaccination | 63,60 € No Kela reimbursement |
Tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis (dtap) vaccine Information about the tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis vaccine. | 80,70 € No Kela reimbursement |
Pneumococcal vaccine | Mobile Benefit 128,00 € No Kela reimbursement 134,10 € No Kela reimbursement |
Tick-borne encephalitis vaccine (adults) Price per vaccination. More information about the tick-borne encephalitis vaccine. Book an appointment for tick-borne encephalitis vaccination
| Mobile Benefit 66,00 € No Kela reimbursement 78,30 € No Kela reimbursement |
Tick-borne encephalitis vaccine (children) Price per vaccination. More information about the tick-borne encephalitis vaccine. Book an appointment for tick-borne encephalitis vaccination | Mobile Benefit 66,00 € No Kela reimbursement 75,40 € No Kela reimbursement |
Frequently asked questions about vaccinations for babies and children
With the vaccines in the children’s vaccination programme, you can protect your child easily, effectively and safely from many serious diseases and their secondary diseases.
Vaccines in the vaccination programme also protect the child’s immediate family and the rest of the population – including those whose immune system has weakened due to illness, for example.
The protection from several childhood vaccines lasts a lifetime, but some vaccines require booster doses at a later age.
The vaccines included in the vaccination programme are available to your child free of charge at child health clinics and in school health care.
In Finland, children usually receive their first vaccine at a child health clinic when they are around two months old.
The public health nurse at the child health clinic will find out whether it is necessary to give your child a vaccine that protects against tuberculosis or hepatitis B immediately after birth in the maternity hospital. Such situations may include:
- the mother’s hepatitis B virus infection
- a family member’s hepatitis B virus infection or a previous tuberculosis diagnosis
- the parents are from a country where hepatitis B or tuberculosis is common
- family members often visit a country where tuberculosis is common
You can find the vaccination records of your baby or preschool-aged child in the child’s clinic card. You can also request the vaccination records from a child health clinic.
You can inquire about vaccinations for school-aged children from school health care.
If your child has received vaccines that are not included the vaccination programme, you can request the vaccination records from the vaccinating party.
For vaccines given in Mehiläinen, you can request the vaccination records by contacting our customer service. If you use the Mehiläinen mobile app, you can easily find your vaccination records there.
Your vaccination records are also available in OmaKanta if the vaccinating party has recorded the information there.
It is rare that a vaccine cannot be given or that its administration must be postponed.
- Fever or severe infection. A mild flu, congestion or an ear infection is not an obstacle to vaccination.
- Allergy. If your child is severely allergic to any of the ingredients in the vaccine, you should discuss vaccination with your doctor.
- Certain diseases. For example, neurological diseases may affect the child’s vaccination programme schedule. They do not usually prevent vaccination. Please consult your doctor for more detailed instructions.