Digital child health clinic EUR 9.90/month*
Digital child health clinic chat service for the guardians of children under five. Support and counselling when a physical examination or a doctor is not needed. Digital child health clinic can be found in the OmaMehiläinen app.
Ask when you have a concern
24/7 child health clinic chat service in OmaMehiläinen
Mehiläinen’s public health nurses, registered nurses and midwives on call
Use the service at a fixed price of 9,90 €/month* or pay a fee of 25 €/appointment.
Advice and support in matters related to the well-being, growth and parenting of children
If necessary, we will help you to the right service
*A 3-month fixed-term discount, after which the price is 14,90 €/month.
”Digital child health clinic gave me quick advice on how to deal with my small baby’s ailment. The service was heartfelt and brought peace of mind.
– Father of a small baby and two older children
Getting started with Digital child health clinic
Download or open the OmaMehiläinen app
Learn more about the free OmaMehiläinen app.
Purchase Digital child health clinic in the app
The monthly-paid Digital child health clinic service can be found under “Health Memberships” on the “Me” tab.
One-time appointments can be requested under “Digital child health clinic” on the “Digital Clinic” tab.
Use a monthly fee or one-time appointments
Digital child health clinic Health Membership 9,90 €/month
A fixed-price subscription service for the guardians of children under five. A 3-month fixed-term discount, after which the price is 14,90 €/month. Subscribe to the service on under “Health Memberships” on the “Me” tab of the OmaMehiläinen app. A subscription requires making a family profile with the child's personal identity code.
One-time Digital child health clinic appointment 25 €
One-time appointments are available for single visits in matters concerning a child under the age of five. However, accessing the service on behalf of a child always requires a family profile. The service is also available during pregnancy. In this case, a one-time appointment does not require making a family profile. Access the service under “Digital child health clinic” on the “Digital Clinic” tab in OmaMehiläinen.
You may have questions like these:
How can I help my child sleep?
Does my child poop normally?
Is my child allergic to something?
Am I breastfeeding normally?
How can I cope better in my daily life with my children?
How can I better support the development of my child's skills, their learning and potty training?
Is my child's development normal?
What should I take into account when planning my child's meals?
How do I bottle feed?
How can I stop feeding at night?
What are the symptoms of a tooth erupting?
”Digital child health clinic has brought a sense of security around the clock and a lot of help with everyday situations, from our firstborn's sleep rhythm to allergy symptoms. The advice and tips have been very concrete, so it has been easy to follow them.
– Mother of a two-year-old toddler and a small baby
Frequently asked questions
Please note that you can only use the service on behalf of your child once they have a personal identity code that allows you to add them to your family profile. Although one-time appointments are also available without a family profile, accessing the service on behalf of your child always requires that they are added to the family profile with a personal identity code. In the case of newborns, we recommend that you contact the maternity hospital until your child has a personal identity code. However, you can always contact us in matters related to pregnancy and parenting without a family profile.
You can buy the service once the child is added to OmaMehiläinen’s family profile. The child can only be added to the family profile when custody is confirmed by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency. If you wish, you can check the status of the custody confirmation in the service.
The monthly-paid service can be purchased for the children under five.
One-time appointments are available for single visits in matters concerning a child under the age of five. However, accessing the service on behalf of a child always requires a family profile. The service is also available during pregnancy. In this case, a one-time appointment does not require making a family profile.
If the subscription is valid indefinitely, it will expire automatically at the end of the calendar month in which the child turns five years old. If your fixed-term subscription period is still in progress, the subscription will continue regularly until the end of the period and expire after this.
At Digital Child Health Clinic, your questions will be answered by nurses, midwives and public health nurses who are familiar with children’s illnesses. All experts in the service have been trained internally, especially on the themes of Digital Child Health Clinic.
The monthly fee of Digital child health clinic does not include medical services, such as issuing or renewing prescriptions or home care certificates. If necessary, a Digital child health clinic specialist will refer you to, for example, a Digital Clinic doctor.
The monthly fee of Digital child health clinic does not include medical services, such as issuing or renewing prescriptions or home care certificates. If necessary, a Digital child health clinic specialist will refer you to, for example, a Digital Clinic doctor.
If the matter cannot be resolved at Digital child health clinic, you will be directed to: A Digital Clinic doctor if the matter can be resolved remotely or a physical appointment if the matter clearly requires a physical examination or more extensive investigation.
Please note that these services are not included in the monthly fee of Digital child health clinic.
No. The Digital child health clinic chat is designed to provide additional support and advice for families with children.
You can also use Digital child health clinic with a one-time fee, i.e. a one-time appointment. Taking care of matters concerning a child always requires that the child is added to the family profile. During pregnancy, you can use the services without a family profile. You can access Digital child health clinic through Digital Clinic in the OmaMehiläinen app without a subscription.
Purchasing the Digital child health clinic service is only available in the OmaMehiläinen app. You can find Digital child health clinic app under “Health Memberships” on the “Me” tab of the app.
After ordering, you can find Digital Child Health Clinic in OmaMehiläinen in the Digital Clinic tab under “Start a Chat”. If you have a valid occupational health or other agreement with Mehiläinen, select “Self-paying customer” as the payer to use Digital Child Health Clinic.
Try closing the app completely and then opening it again. If this does not help, make sure you are using the latest version of the app. If necessary, update the app.
Mehiläinen’s child health clinic chat is called Digital child health clinic. Purchasing the Digital child health clinic service is only available in the OmaMehiläinen app. You can find Digital child health clinic app under “Subscription Services” on the “Me” tab of the app.
After ordering, you can find Digital Child Health Clinic in OmaMehiläinen in the Digital Clinic tab under “Start a Chat”. If you have a valid occupational health or other agreement with Mehiläinen, select “Self-paying customer” as the payer to use Digital Child Health Clinic.
At the moment, it is only possible to place an order with a payment card added to OmaMehiläinen.
The subscription is personal for the child, but you can have a separate subscription for each child in your family profile. How to create a family account
Digital child health clinic can be found in the OmaMehiläinen app
Download the free OmaMehiläinen app from your smart device's app store. Digital child health clinic and other monthly paid Health Memberships can be found in the “Me” menu of the app.
All Health Memberships
Health care agreement
EUR 79/month
Medical services at a fixed monthly price. We will take care of your health and help you stay fit and active.
Digital Clinic available 24/7
Prescription renewals
General practitioner services across Finland
Annual dental check-up
Personal health coach
Discounts on procedures
Health care agreement for light entrepreneurs
EUR 24.90/month
Take care of your most important resource—your own well-being.
Digital Clinic available 24/7
Annual Puhti health examination
3-month fixed-term subscription
Digital child health clinic
EUR 9.90/month
Digital child health clinic service for the parents of children under five.
Midwives and nurses available 24/7
3-month fixed-term subscription
EUR 14.90/month after the fixed term