Mehiläinen’s tax footprint
The tax footprint indicates the impact of Mehiläinen on surrounding society as a payer of taxes and tax-like charges.
Mehiläinen’s tax footprint report is published annually. The tax footprint addresses the impact of all the countries in which Mehiläinen operates. Regular tax reporting supports the transparency of taxation.
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The image shows Mehiläinen’s tax footprint from 1 January to 31 December 2024 (EUR million).
Mehiläinen Group’s tax footprint increased to EUR 446.9 (2023: 389.4) million. The group’s corporate income tax for the year amounted to EUR 33.1 (2023: 22.6) million.
Mehiläinen’s full tax footprint in 2024 consists of EUR 32.4 million in corporate taxes paid by the company (2023: 15.6), as well as non-deductible VAT of EUR 54.9 million paid on purchases and investments (2023: 53.5), EUR 5.3 million in VAT (2023: 7.7), EUR 162.6 million in employer contributions (2023: 152.7), EUR 182.4 million in taxes withheld from salaries (2023: 158.0), EUR 7.9 million in transfer taxes (2023: 0.7) and EUR 1.5 million in real estate taxes (2023: 1.2) paid by the company. In addition to the tax footprint, the private practitioners working at Mehiläinen pay taxes on the remuneration they receive from Mehiläinen, estimated at EUR 142.0 million (2023: 105.2).