Fysios Mehiläinen Espoo Matinkylä
Opening hours
See more details of opening hours for each service.
Monday | 08:00 - 20:00 |
Tuesday | 08:00 - 20:00 |
Wednesday | 08:00 - 20:00 |
Thursday | 08:00 - 20:00 |
Friday | 08:00 - 20:00 |
Saturday | Closed |
Sunday | Closed |
Monday | 08:00 - 20:00 |
Tuesday | 08:00 - 20:00 |
Wednesday | 08:00 - 20:00 |
Thursday | 08:00 - 20:00 |
Friday | 08:00 - 20:00 |
Saturday | Closed |
Sunday | Closed |
Monday 10.3. | 08:00 - 20:00 |
Tuesday 11.3. | 08:00 - 20:00 |
Wednesday 12.3. | 08:00 - 20:00 |
Thursday 13.3. | 08:00 - 20:00 |
Friday 14.3. | 08:00 - 20:00 |
Saturday 15.3. | Closed |
Sunday 16.3. | Closed |
Perjantaisin klo 16.00 jälkeen vastaantotolle pääsee terapeutin oven avauksella . Terapeutti noutaa asiakkaan alhaalta ovelta aina ovien ollessa suljettuina.
Arrival instructions
At Mehiläinen Matinkylä, you can register in the following ways:
Self-registration kiosks: You can use the self-registration kiosks located on the 3rd floor of the medical center.
OmaMehiläinen app: Through the mobile app, you can conveniently register anywhere before your appointment. However, we recommend registering near the reception room to avoid being called before your arrival. The app allows you to check the exact details of your appointment, including the room number and floor.
Mehiläinen Matinkylä is located at Piispanportti 10, on the opposite side of the bridge from Iso Omena, north of Länsiväylä. The entrance to the facility is located in the courtyard of the building.
Note: Mehiläinen Matinkylä is not located in the Iso Omena shopping center.
Arrival by car and parking: The easiest way to reach Matinkylä Mehiläinen by car is to drive to the end of Piispanportti. Drive up the ramp and turn left, where you will find Mehiläinen parking spaces near the entrance. The parking spaces are not in the parking garage but in the courtyard of the building. Please inform the reception on the third floor of your car's registration number upon arrival to avoid parking fines
Accessible parking: There is two accessible parking space in the courtyard of the building, near the entrance.
Arrival by taxi or drop-off: Taxis and drop-off vehicles can stop on the car deck, directly in front of the entrance.
Arrival by public transport:
- By metro: Matinkylä metro station is about a 700-meter walk from the Mehiläinen facility.
- By bus: The nearest bus stops are Piispanristi (50 m), Piispansilta (200 m), and Matinkylä M (700 m).
Accessible entrance: The accessible entrance is located in the courtyard of the building at Piispanportti 10. The courtyard entrance has automatic sliding doors. The entrance is not accessible from Piispansilta, which only has stairs leading to the building entrance.
Elevator accessibility: There are three elevators in the building, all of which are accessible.
Accessible restrooms: The medical center on the third floor has a clearly marked accessible restroom.
Signage: There are clear signs at the entrance and inside the medical center.
Lighting: The interior has sufficient and even lighting that does not cause glare.
Mobility options: There is ample space for moving with aids, such as wheelchairs.
Assistive devices: A wheelchair is available for loan on the premises and can be picked up from the cashier services on the 3rd floor.
Perjantaisin klo 16.00 jälkeen fysioterapeutin vastaantotolle pääsee terapeutin oven avauksella . Terapeutti noutaa asiakkaan alhaalta ovelta aina ovien ollessa suljettuina.
Briefly about the location
Fysioterapia Espoo Matinkylä tarjoaa korkeatasoista fysioterapiaa, osteopatiaa ja hierontaa. Osaavat ja rautaisen ammattitaidon omaavat fysioterapeutit, osteopaatit ja hierojat ovat käytettävissäsi. Meillä on vahva osaaminen manuaalisesta terapiasta, urheilufysioterapiasta sekä erikoisosaamista tules-vaivojen kuntoutuksessa. Palveluihimme kuuluvat mm. neurologinen fysioterapia, lantionpohjan- ja äitiysfysioterapia, urheilufysioterapia, osteopatia, hieronta, faskiakäsittelyt, akupunktio, LPG, askelanalyysit, purentaelimistön fysioterapia, OMT-fysioterapia . Harjoittelu toteutetaan samassa talossa sijaitsevan Fressin tiloissa. Hoitolaitteina mm. LPG. Teemme myös kotikäyntejä.
Olemme Kelan vaativan lääkinnällisen kuntoutuksen palveluntuottaja (yksilöfysioterapia).
Uudet Kela-asiakkaat voivat olla yhteydessä kuntoutukseen liittyen Fysios Mehiläisen kuntoutusneuvontaan numeroon 010 237 7077 (local network rate/mobile charge) (pvm/mpm). Kelan vaativan lääkinnällisen kuntoutuksen terapeutit:
- Asta Flöjt
- Jaakko Karasti
- Katariina Pirnes
- Minna Virtanen
- Teemu Ripatti
Meillä harjoittelu toteutetaan samassa talossa sijaitsevan Fressin kuntosalilla. Fressiin mennään vain yhdessä oman fysioterapeutin kanssa hoitoajalla.
Location doctors and people in charge

Appointment booking by phone and enquiries

The fastest and easiest way to book an appointment is directly through Mehiläinen's online appointment booking service.
Book an appointmentOur phone service is open every day around the clock.
The price list of doctor's appointments and procedures can be found on the Price lists page.
Go to the price list