Mehiläinen Synsam Espoo Sello
Monday 10.3. | 08:00 - 20:00 |
Tuesday 11.3. | 08:00 - 20:00 |
Wednesday 12.3. | 08:00 - 20:00 |
Thursday 13.3. | 08:00 - 20:00 |
Friday 14.3. | 08:00 - 20:00 |
Saturday 15.3. | 10:00 - 18:00 |
Sunday 16.3. | 12:00 - 17:00 |
Silmälääkäripalvelut ajanvarauksella.
Ajanvaraus Mehiläisen verkkoajanvarauksesta tai puhelimitse numerosta 010 414 00 (local network rate/mobile charge).
Lääkärin vastaanotolle voi ilmoittautua Synsamin palvelutiskille tai OmaMehiläinen -sovelluksen kautta.
Käynnille tulee ottaa mukaan Kela-kortti.
Vastaanoton jälkeen tulee käydä Synsamin kassalla, jossa tehdään tarvittavat laskutusmerkinnät. Kela-kortti tulee esittää käynnin yhteydessä.
Asiakas saa käynnistä laskun kotiin, käyntiä ei voi maksaa käteisellä eikä kortilla.
Arrival instructions
Symsan Sello is located on the 2nd floor of the Sello shopping center in Leppävaara, Espoo in address Leppävaarankatu 3-9.
By public transportation: Sello is located in Leppävaara, Espoo, with excellent public transport connections. The shopping center is right next to the bus terminal and train station. Sello is located in HSL zone B.
By car: By car Sello can be easily reached e.g. along the Turku motorway or Kehä I and II.
Follow the signs for Etelä-Leppävaara - and access parking.
There are a total of 2,900 free 5-hour parking spaces in Sello's parking garages, some of which are located below the shopping center and some in Sello's rooftop park. There are also disabled spaces and spaces for motorcycles in the Sello car park. There are also 15-minute parking spaces in the car park. Remember to use the parking disc in Sellopark! Sello has 24 charging points for electric cars, which can be found in the parking garage on line L.
Briefly about the location
Welcome to Synsam Sello - a comprehensive service optician. Here you will find an expert in all matters related to vision. The following services are available in our store: ophthalmologist services in cooperation with Mehiläinen, optician examinations, occupational optician examinations, contact lens fitting and the services of a style expert. Warm welcome!
Location doctors and people in charge

Appointment booking by phone and enquiries

The fastest and easiest way to book an appointment is directly through Mehiläinen's online appointment booking service.
Book an appointmentOur phone service is open every day around the clock.
The price list of doctor's appointments and procedures can be found on the Price lists page.
Go to the price list