All Mehiläinen’s customer companies and organisations have access to the CorporateMehiläinen online service included in the occupational-health service agreement. The WorkAbilityCompass, an application mainly intended for large and middle-sized companies for the management of work ability, can also be activated as part of the CorporateMehiläinen service.
CorporateMehiläinen will enhance the level of co-operation
Aimed at all our customer organisations, the CorporateMehiläinen service offers a broad range of functions to increase the transparency of operations, facilitate everyday tasks at companies, and increase co-operation. Use the online service to:
- check the latest information on the occupational health teams and contact persons
- build relevant, real-time reports for your company
- monitor the occupational health contract costs
- manage and maintain an employee register
- enter information on sick leave that can be reported by personal notification and sick leave certificates prepared outside Mehiläinen's occupational health services
- use the practical document search to find all company documents, such as action plans, workplace surveys and contracts, in electronic form
- keep up to date with Mehiläinen's new products and services.
WorkAbilityCompass supports work ability management
The WorkAbilityCompass application for the management of work ability, included in the CorporateMehiläinen service, is a versatile tool for supporting, controlling, and managing work ability. WorkAbilityCompass enables the early detection of employees with a risk of disability, and secures the best possible support for maintaining and restoring their work ability. At the same time, it makes the financial costs of disability risks more transparent and provides a clear indication on the functionality and results of processes.
WorkAbilityCompass is a tool for those monitoring the comprehensive well-being of employees. The company’s supervisors and the employee pension insurance company can also use the application for entering data. WorkAbilityCompass provides a method for the customer company and Mehiläinen to work together even more effectively on preventing the risks and costs incurred by extended sick leaves and premature retirement.
If this sounds interesting to you, please ask for further information from
More information from: yritysmehilainen@mehilainen.fi.
You can also request an offer for occupational health.