For the individual
Healthy people are better employees.
Planning forward
Health examinations, Surveys,
Well-being analyses,
Work ability surveys
Individual motivation and coaching.
Preventive guidance and advice.
Occupational health-oriented medical care
Treatment for illness quickly and effectively.
Involving the individual in preparing their work ability and occupational well-being plan.
Working life has changed drastically within the past few years, and this requires constant adaptation and adjustment from employees. The digitalisation of operations at work may also set requirements for work efficiency and changes in working methods. Working life requires the employee to be able to cope, and work may sometimes extend to leisure time, which is a burden on well-being. We offer easily accessible and effective occupational health care services to maintain and develop employees’ work ability and occupational well-being. Read more about what constitutes the well-being of employees.
Health examinations are an essential part of employee well-being that can be used to promote work ability and general health. Learn more about Mehiläinen’s health examinations.
The Wellbeing Radar is used to predict the risks of early decline in work ability
Mehiläinen is the first in the industry to develop an occupational health care operating model in which an AI-based innovation, the Wellbeing Radar, is used to predict the risk of declined work ability at an early phase.
The Wellbeing Radar is a useful tool for occupational health care services and can be used for early response and to provide targeted support for the individual in maintaining their work ability and health. The same coaching and treatment paths can also be used in other occupational health care services.
Learn more about the Wellbeing Radar
Services included in the occupational health agreement for individuals
In the OmaMehiläinen application, we offer our occupational health care customers a Wellbeing Pulse survey, the aim of which is to help the customer think about and monitor their own well-being. The Wellbeing Pulse provides customers with a quick analysis of their well-being in a matter of minutes. The Wellbeing Pulse was prepared by Mehiläinen's occupational health professionals.
We currently offer 13 different programmes to support the maintenance of work ability and health in four different themes: nutrition and weight management, mental well-being and sleep, increasing physical activity and reducing substance use. The duration of the programmes is 12–16 weeks and they are also available in English and Swedish. The video content is in Finnish and Finnish or English subtitles can be selected.
In the video library videos, specialists give tips on four different themes:
- tools for well-being
- mental well-being at work
- information about depression
- information about alcohol
Feel free to choose which videos from each theme you want to watch; watch all or just some of the topics that interest you. The video library is free of charge for all OmaMehiläinen users.
Occupational well-being service store
In the store, you will find additional occupational well-being services that complement the services included in your occupational health agreement. The services are available to all companies, regardless of the occupational health partner. Learn more about the service store
Well-being of individuals
Fysios Mehiläinen Health Coaching
Fysios Mehiläinen Health Coaching is a service that supports the health and well-being of an employee's musculoskeletal system with an active approach. The coach is a physiotherapist. We provide coaching for individuals or small groups, according to the needs of the company.
Self-management skills
Learn about the self-management services. With strong self-management skills, you control the flow of information and support your and your staff's self-direction.
Functional Movement Screen provides information about asymmetry in the body
The Functional Movement Screen (FMS) has been developed to detect gaps, limitations and asymmetries in movement. Learn more about the FMS test.
Gym instruction by an occupational physiotherapist
Gym instruction by an occupational physiotherapist is a personal gym instruction and exercise programme aimed at the fitness enthusiast. Gym instruction is provided by an occupational physiotherapist.
Well-being services for the individual
Learn about all the services for the well-being of the individual in the service store.