Physical well-being in occupational health care
Mehiläinen’s occupational physiotherapy and physiotherapy services for occupational health customers
Musculoskeletal disorders are often moderately mild, but their impact on the well-being and functional capacity of individuals, as well as the costs of sickness-related absences and the overall efficiency of the company are considerable. As illnesses persist, they begin to affect the work ability and motivation of employees, which is reflected in the performance of the entire company.
Properly timed physiotherapeutic activities in accordance with the current care recommendations and combined with work-related measures enable a smooth and cost-effective operating model to support the work ability of the entire work community. Occupational physiotherapists and physiotherapists are available to employees experiencing musculoskeletal symptoms or challenges.
Easy access for staff to the occupational physiotherapist and physiotherapist:
Helps prevent musculoskeletal disorders
Streamlines rehabilitation and work ability recovery
Brings savings in occupational health care costs when employees are not primarily referred to an occupational health physician.

Occupational physiotherapy and physiotherapy complement each other
Timeliness and targeting of specialist services ensures efficient and straightforward treatment paths that contribute to the faster rehabilitation of employees returning to work. Occupational physiotherapy and physiotherapy together can ensure the well-being and work ability of the entire work community and its individuals’ musculoskeletal system.
Occupational physiotherapy
Specialist in functional capacity and stress factors at work
Occupational physiotherapists work as part of a multidisciplinary occupational health team as specialists of physical work ability and the musculoskeletal system. Occupational physiotherapists identify stress factors related to work and work environment and influence them. The service is, in principle, preventive and proactive in supporting the company and employees.
Specialist in rehabilitation
The work of physiotherapists focuses on rehabilitation that improves and maintains work ability and functional capacity, e.g. rehabilitation of physical strain-related injuries and ailments. Physiotherapeutic rehabilitation combined with work-related activities can enable people to return to work more quickly and remain fit for work.
Our customers’ experiences of the physical well-being services
Arla Finland
Mehiläinen’s occupational health care supports the physical activity of Arla Finland’s employees
ISS Palvelut
Reduced sickness-related absences – This is how ISS Palvelut and Mehiläinen overhauled the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders.
Posti (Kesytä kipu project)
Permanent changes in the employees’ occupational well-being with occupational physiotherapy.
Services to support physical well-being
We offer a wide range of coaching, lectures and guidance provided by occupational physiotherapists for both individuals and the entire work community. The services aim to increase physical activity and provide guidance on how we can take care of our physical well-being. The service packages can be implemented according to your company’s needs.