Mehiläinen’s on-call general practitioner service
You can visit Mehiläinen’s on-call general practitioner service either with or without making an appointment.
By selecting your city or municipality, you can find our nearest location, its opening hours, the next free appointment time and whether the location offers on-call general practitioner service without appointment booking. If the nearest location requires a booked appointment, you will also be given information about the nearest clinic that has an on-call service that does not require booking.
When should I visit the on-call service?
The on-call general practitioner service is a good option if you need urgent care in case of a sudden illness, poisoning or a minor accident. Typical situations include sudden or worsened infections, pain in the head, the stomach or the back, wounds, burns and frostbite. Our on-call service treats patients of all ages. In case of an emergency, you should always call the emergency services at 112.
Our on-call general practitioner service provides you with treatment and examinations immediately. If necessary, the examinations can include laboratory tests and x-rays. If the situation requires further treatment, such as surgery, we will refer the patient to further treatment. Further treatment can, for example, be provided in a public hospital or by Mehiläinen’s accident team, heart clinic or hospital. At the same time, further treatment and check-ups are agreed on.
Who are the doctors who run the on-call service?
The on-call general practitioner service is run by an on-call team, which includes doctors with knowledge of emergency medicine, experienced general practitioners and nurses.
Specialists and locations