Ordering and checking patient information
The quickest and easiest way to manage your own patient data and other personal data is to use the OmaMehiläinen service, through which you can view your own data and manage consents and prohibitions related to the use of data.
Ordering patient information
In the OmaMehiläinen digital service or our free OmaMehiläinen mobile application, you can see records related to your visits to Mehiläinen, examination results and x-ray and MRI images. You can also print out your patient records and test results through OmaMehiläinen. You can log in to OmaMehiläinen by identifying yourself with your online banking credentials at oma.mehilainen.fi or by downloading the OmaMehiläinen application to your mobile device and logging in. You can download the free mobile application from the App StoreExternal link or Google PlayExternal link.
In OmaMehiläinen, you can also view your other health information, book a doctor’s appointment or visit a doctor through the Digital Clinic to renew a prescription.
With regard to personal data related to the publicly funded social services or public health services provided by Mehiläinen, please contact the social and health services of the municipality in question, which acts as the data controller for the data concerned.
If you are a self-paying customer in Mehiläinen's care units, you can check your data with the relevant care unit with a free-form written request.
You can view the patient data transferred to Kela’s national Kanta services and give consents and prohibitions related to their use in the My Kanta serviceExternal link. We hope that customers will go to the My Kanta service and sign their consent to the access to their patient data before they arrive for the appointment. With the patient’s consent, patient data stored in the Patient Data Repository can be accessed by both public and private health care nationwide. After giving the consent, the customer may enter prohibitions on the disclosure of data from the Patient Data Repository. Deploy the My Kanta serviceExternal link.
If you want your patient records or images on paper, do the following:
Instructions for making a document request electronically:
Log in
Log in to the OmaMehiläinen digital service or the free Omamehiläinen mobile application.
Start a new discussion
Start a new discussion in Digital Clinic’s customer service (the discussion is free of charge) and write your open-form document request freely in the discussion field.
We primarily recommend making document requests through OmaMehiläinen.
Instructions for making a written document request:
- Print out the Patient Information Request Form from our website or request the form from our medical center.
- Fill in the form and bring it to any of Mehiläinen's medical centers (see Mehiläinen's locations here).
- When you bring in the request form, please also present a photo ID. This way we verify your identity and ensure that we are processing the correct person's information.
- We will mail the information to your home within 1–4 weeks.
Additional information
- Passport (issued by a member state of the European Economic Area (EEA), Switzerland, or an authority in San Marino)
- ID card with a photo (ID card that is acceptable as a travel document, ID card for a minor, ID card for a foreign national or temporary ID card)
- Driver’s licence (issued by a Finnish authority)
- Alien’s passport or travel documents for a refugee, where the identity of the holder has been verified and which has been granted by a Finnish authority
The customer has the right to check the log data on the processing of patient data. The checking is free of charge once a year.
The log data shows who has processed the data, the time of processing and the reason for the processing. You can order the log data by submitting a free-form log data request in the OmaMehiläinen digital service or the free Omamehiläinen mobile application.
Log data can also be ordered in writing using the form below. Log data order form (in Finnish)
Fill in the form and hand it in at any Mehiläinen clinic (see Mehiläinen locations here). When bringing in your order form, you should also bring a photo ID. This means we can verify your identity and ensure that we process the right person’s data.
The following documents can be used to verify identity:
- Passport (issued by a member state of the European Economic Area (EEA), Switzerland, or an authority in San Marino)
- ID card with a photo (ID card that is acceptable as a travel document, ID card for a minor, ID card for a foreign national or temporary ID card)
- Driver’s licence (issued by a Finnish authority)
- Alien’s passport or travel documents for a refugee, where the identity of the holder has been verified and which has been granted by a Finnish authority
We will send you the information by post within 1–4 weeks.
For the National Patient Data Repository, the log data can be found in the kanta.fi External link online service.
If you suspect misuse of patient data, you can ask us to clarify the matter by making a free-form clarification request in the OmaMehiläinen digital service or in the free Omamehiläinen mobile application. For detailed instructions, see the “Instructions for making a document request electronically” section.
Alternatively, you can submit a free-form written request for clarification. The request must specify your personal identity code and the date or other event to which the request for clarification relates. When you order log data, we will provide instructions for making a request for clarification along with the log data. For detailed instructions, see the “Instructions for making a document request in writing” section.
If you notice a security incident that requires immediate or urgent action, contact the service or personnel who treated you first. In other non-urgent matters related to security, you can contact us via Mehiläinen’s feedback channel by choosing “data protection” as the topic of feedback.
The customer has the right to request for rectification of incorrect information. With regard to contact information, you can correct the information by yourself via the OmaMehiläinen online service.
With regard to other information and patient information, you can contact the personnel who treated you and request rectification of incorrect information.
You can also submit a free-form request for rectification to the OmaMehiläinen digital service or the free Omamehiläinen mobile application. For detailed instructions, see the “Instructions for making a document request electronically” section. A request for rectification may also be made in writing with the help of the form at the bottom of the page. For detailed instructions, see the “Instructions for making a document request in writing” section.
In the case of patient data, possible corrections are made in such a way that the original entry can be clarified, if necessary. More detailed information on the processing of personal data in Mehiläinen can be found here. General instructions on the rights of the data subject and the processing of patient data in health care can also be found on the website of the Office of the Data Protection OmbudsmanExternal link.
With regard to personal data related to the publicly funded social services or public health services provided by Mehiläinen, please submit the request for rectification to the social or health services of the municipality in question, which acts as the data controller for the data concerned.
In all matters related to your own patient and personal data, you can contact Mehiläinen's Health Information Management Team.
Health information management
If you submit sensitive information by email, we ask you to use Mehiläinen's secure email if necessary.
With regard to public social and health services, we kindly ask that inquiries and requests related to the processing of personal data be directed to the health or social service of each municipality in accordance with the practices of each municipality.
Data Protection Officer
The Data Protection Officer of Mehiläinen Group is Kim Klemetti.
tietosuoja@mehilainen.fi, switchboard 010 414 0112 (local network rate/mobile charge).