Gold level rating for Mehiläinen in the international EcoVadis sustainability assessment

Press Release 3.11.2021
EcoVadis, a company providing sustainability assessments, has awarded Mehiläinen a Gold level rating for Mehiläinen’s sustainability work. EcoVadis assesses corporate sustainability in four areas: environment, labor and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement. Only 5% of the more than 75,000 companies assessed receive the Gold rating.
Established in 2007, EcoVadisExternal link is one of the world's largest providers of sustainability assessments, evaluating companies from over 200 industries in over 160 countries. The assessment is carried out based on a survey completed by the companies and comprehensive documentation analysed by EcoVadis. The methodology is based on international standards for sustainable development, such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the UN Global Compact and the ISO 26000 standard. The independent assessment process is supervised by an international scientific committee.
- The Gold rating achieved by Mehiläinen and being among the top 5% of the companies assessed is a great demonstration of our ambitious work to promote sustainability and our commitment to responsible business. Last year, we performed at the Bronze level, and it is a pleasure to see our work bearing fruit, says Marina Lampinen, Director of Public Affairs and Corporate Responsibility at Mehiläinen.
- This assessment shows that the direction we have taken is the right one. In the coming years, the importance of sustainability work at Mehiläinen will become even more important as the Group continues to internationalise. The sustainability expectations of legislators, investors and financiers are also growing. This year, we have tied the interest rates on our loans to our sustainability goals. The next steps in Mehiläinen’s corporate responsibility have also been decided, says Lampinen.
Mehiläinen’s corporate responsibility programme highlights the cornerstones of Mehiläinen’s business: the quality of treatment and care, customer orientation, evolution and development, steady and sustainable growth as well as the responsibility for our personnel and the environment. Mehiläinen is committed the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) in its operations.
- The starting point of our corporate responsibility is accountability and caring for people and society. For more than 110 years, our mission has been to create health and well-being as part of the wider society. Mehiläinen’s corporate responsibility is also based on this mission and the values of Mehiläinen, says Lampinen.
- Last year, we built a corporate responsibility programme for Mehiläinen based on our work with our stakeholders. For the first time, we are also reporting on corporate responsibility with a separate sustainability report. This work has created a strong basis for developing our corporate responsibility work, Lampinen adds.
Tens of thousands of companies partner with EcoVadis to collaborate on sustainability. EcoVadis is the leading player in its field, especially in supplier assessments.