Mehiläinen Sustainability Report 2024: Sustainability efforts progressed with determination

Press Release, February 14, 2025
During 2024, Mehiläinen promoted its sustainability activities comprehensively in different areas of operations. The net promoter score (NPS), which measures customer satisfaction, reached an all-time high of 91 in private healthcare services. Total emissions relative to revenue decreased by nine per cent from 2023.
– Mehiläinen is growing and developing, and it is important to ensure that our operations are sustainable and at a high level of quality. During the year, we strengthened our organisation’s sustainability skills, invested in quality and quick access to care, and took care of our personnel. In addition, we carried out measures to promote our goal of building more sustainable healthcare and social care, says Mehiläinen’s Medical Director Petri Leiponen.
Year 2024 encompassed good progress in the areas of sustainability.
Mehiläinen provided its customers with quality care, and the NPS, an indicator of customer experience, reached an all-time high of 91 in private healthcare services. In public healthcare services, the NPS was also high, rising from the previous year to 78.
The results of the personnel survey improved during the year: the total index increased to 4.1/5, commitment to the organisation grew, and trust in supervisors remained strong. Social responsibility was also addressed by conducting a human rights impact assessment in social care services and in the subsidiary Healthcare Staffing Solutions (HSS). Assessments are currently underway in healthcare services and will expand to the Mehiläinen supply chain in the future.
Mehiläinen is the first healthcare and social care service provider in Finland to commit to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). In 2024, the company prepared science-based emission reduction targets, which are currently being approved by the international SBTi organisation. The goal is, by 2030, to achieve emissions reductions of 80 per cent in the emissions of the company’s operations, as well as an emission reduction of more than 50 per cent relative to revenue from the services and products purchased in the supply chain. In 2024, Mehiläinen’s total emissions relative to revenue decreased by nine per cent compared to the previous year.
Progress in sustainability is also demonstrated by the Platinum level rating awarded by the international sustainability assessment provider EcoVadis for Mehiläinen’s sustainability activities in 2024. The rating is given to one per cent of all assessed companies.
– We will continue to work for our sustainability goals. During 2024, we conducted a double materiality analysis with our stakeholders, and we will publish our updated sustainability programme in early 2025. Legislation that guides corporate sustainability also guides our operations, says Leiponen.
Read the Mehiläinen Sustainability Report 2024 on Mehiläinen’s website. The Sustainability Report presents key information about the material themes and most significant impact of sustainability activities. The report has been externally certified. https://www.mehilainen.fi/en/company/mehilainens-year-2024