Sports Hospital Services
The world-renowned specialists at our Sports Hospital have extensive knowledge and years of experience in treating injuries and ailments of the musculoskeletal system.
Although proper orthopaedic consultation is crucial in diagnostics and determining the treatment options and best course of action, it is not always necessary for a patient to travel to Finland for a consultation with our Sports Hospital specialists.
Remote consultations are a convenient way to receive an assessment and/or a second opinion from our top surgeons. Patients can also benefit from our remote consultation services after their surgery, receiving extensive post-surgical support from our doctors and physiotherapists.
Previous MRIs and medical reports are usually required as background information to ensure the best possible benefit from the consultation.
For more information, please contact us info@sportshospital.com
Medical Imaging
Our Sports Hospital has state-of-the-art medical imaging units, where we carry out X-ray and ultrasound scans as well as examinations using our patient-friendly MRI and CT scanners.
At the hospitals’ radiology units, examinations are tailored individually to each patient. Our focus is on swift, high-quality service in a peaceful environment. Our radiographers are available throughout our opening hours to answer any questions concerning medical imaging.
For instructions as to how to send existing X-rays and MRIs to the hospital, please contact us at info@sportshospital.com.

Mehiläinen Sports Hospital offers a wide range of laboratory services. These include taking diverse samples and carrying out a wide range of tests on them in our own central lab.
To ensure patient safety and maintain the high standards of hygiene we expect of our hospitals, all patients coming to us from outside of Finland, as well as Finnish patients who have been treated abroad, are tested for infections including MRSA, ESBL and VRE. Having one of these infections does not preclude a patient from being treated at Mehiläinen Sports Hospital, but it does lead to certain special precautions being taken in the hospital. You will receive instructions for preparing for lab tests from the doctor or nurse in charge.

Rehabilitation & Physiotherapy
The experts at our Sports Hospital support and promote the safe and fast rehabilitation of the patient. Our orthopaedic specialists together with our experienced physiotherapists and athlete trainers make a carefully considered decision on the most suitable course of action. Sometimes physiotherapy is all that is required for successful post-injury rehabilitation.
During the rehabilitation period, the physiotherapist has regular sessions with the patient, following their healing and supporting them along the way. The physiotherapist also regularly consults the surgeon in charge, and reports on the process.
If the patient moves on to continue their rehabilitation process in another country, our experts will provide written instructions and follow up on their progress by email or a special mobile application.
With their years of post-surgical rehabilitation experience, our experts can support and promote the safe and fast rehabilitation of patients. The most suitable treatment and therapy methods are chosen based on the needs of the individual.
An individual post-surgical rehabilitation plan is drawn up together with the surgeon in charge. The plan includes instructions for exercises and self-care, also considering pain management and pain relief.