It is good to pay attention to the psychological well-being, which is easy to forget amidst all the rush.
How do I take care of my well-being?
Your well-being is generated from the overall health. Mehiläinen’s specialist in sports and exercise medicine, Pippa Laukka, advises to take care of your health with regular health examinations. Good every-day choices include walking instead of taking a car or cooking yourself a versatile meal instead of having a fast food dinner.
Sufficient sleep and rest are of equal importance. One part of well-being is self-knowledge, recognising your thoughts and reactions. Self-knowledge guides the mind and the operations of the body. Mindfulness exercises or relaxation are good methods to practice self-knowledge. They can help to increase awareness of the present moment. This increases the ability to control stress and stressing situations in life.
Pippa Laukka says that exercise is the foundation for well-being. It is proven to reduce stress and fight depression.
– Exercise adds pleasure hormones, increases psychological balance and the production of mental energy, Laukka says.
Achievement in every-day life
Sometimes you can feel that every-day life is a mere achievement. Then it is a good moment to stop and practice being merciful to yourself. One concrete method is by dividing your every-day life in different areas.
The power of positive thinking
How we think and meet others also influences our own well-being. You can change your own mental scheme when you recognise it and pay attention to it. Read an expert’s thoughts about the power of positive mind.
Tiredness or sleeplessness?
Tiredness and sleeplessness are quite common problems that influence your well-being significantly.
Exercise is part of your well-being
An active way of life or sports influence your well-being, but moderation pays off, even when exercising. Anyone who exercises actively should remember the correct ratio between rest, sleep, nutrition and correct exercise and recovery.
Well-being from diet
A versatile diet is important for your well-being. Learn about a healthy diet and how a dietician can help if you need advice for compiling a right kind of diet >>
Ask an expert about young women’s topics
Sometimes it can feel difficult to bring up a topic that feels weird or unpleasant to you. The doctors and experts at Mehiläinen want to encourage young women not to hesitate to ask for advice or help.
Doctors and specialists for young women at Mehiläinen
We have selected from among Mehiläinen’s experts some doctors suitable for young women, in particular.
View the doctors and specialists for young women >>
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