Remote appointments without waiting
Remote appointments allow you to access the services of doctors and nurses easily and quickly, anywhere and any time. Welcome to a remote appointment at Mehiläinen!
Without an appointment
Do you need to renew your prescriptions? Do you have eye or cold symptoms? Symptoms and diseases that do not require physical examination can easily be treated at Digital Clinic.
By appointment
Search for and select telephone and video appointments easily in Mehiläinen’s booking system.
Remote appointments at Mehiläinen allow you to communicate with doctors and nurses easily and quickly, anywhere and any time. If your symptoms are mild, we recommend using our remote appointment service. Our remote appointment service can be found easily in the OmaMehiläinen service.
How to book a remote appointment
Remote appointments are easy
You can book an appointment easily and quickly on your computer or phone.
Book an appointment
Choose your preferred remote appointment option (video, call)
Welcome to Mehiläinen! You can easily pay for your appointment with the OmaMehiläinen app.
Support for selecting a remote appointment channel
If you are not sure which appointment option to choose, you can always contact our customer service around the clock, any day of the year. Our customer service offers help and guidance in choosing the right option for you. You can contact our customer service by phone or through Digital Clinic in OmaMehiläinen.
Call our customer service (local network rate/mobile charge)
Quick access to treatment without an appointment
Do you need to renew your prescriptions? Do you have eye or cold symptoms? Digital Clinic provides treatment for symptoms and diseases that do not require a physical examination without an appointment.

Video appointment by booking
You can book a video appointment easily in the booking system under Appointment/Remote appointment. Video appointments are also available in the OmaMehiläinen app.

Video appointments for children
If you want to book a video appointment for a child, they must be included in the family profile. Even if you are not a Mehiläinen customer, you can register to OmaMehiläinen and add your child to your family profile.
Family profiles can be made easily in the OmaMehiläinen app:
Add > Family members > Add family member
Phone appointment by booking
You can search for and select phone appointments easily in Mehiläinen’s appointment booking system under Appointment/Remote appointment.

Once you have booked a phone appointment, our specialist will call you at the scheduled appointment time. According to our policy, if you do not answer the first call, the doctor will try again in a little while. If you do not answer your phone at the time agreed for the appointment, you will be charged for an uncancelled appointment. You cannot call our doctors back.
Remote appointment price
Remote appointments are subject to a fee. The price of a phone or video appointment depends on the doctor. The price is based on the duration of the appointment and is similar to the price of face-to-face appointment. An outpatient and Kanta fee are added to the price of a remote appointment in the same way they are applied to personal appointments at medical clinics. Kela compensations are applied to remote appointments.
The invoice for a remote appointment is sent to your home address after a few days. You can also pay open invoices in OmaMehiläinen under the Invoices section. A fee will be charged for uncancelled remote appointments.
How to use the OmaMehiläinen app (video in Finnish)
How to send photos as secure mail during a phone appointment
During a phone appointment with a general practitioner, dermatologist or ophthalmologist, the doctor may need to see a clear picture of your visible symptoms (e.g. a rash). Please take 1–3 high-quality pictures before the appointment. You can send the pictures to the doctor through secure mail.
How to send secure mail:
- Log in at https://secure.mehilainen.fi
- Enter your email address in the Sender field and click or tap Continue.
- On the next page, click or tap Register.
- You will receive an e-mail message titled Registration. Send the secure e-mail message via the link at the end of the message.
- In the subject field, enter the date and time of the appointment.
- Attach the pictures you took for the appointment as file attachments: Click or tap Select files, take the pictures or select them from previously taken pictures and click or tap Attach.
- If you have the doctor’s email address with the domain @mehilainen.fi, you can enter it in the recipient field and click or tap Send.
- If you do not have the doctor’s e-mail address, wait for the doctor to call you for the appointment. The doctor will give you the email address to enter in the recipient field before clicking or tapping Send.
Specialty-specific instructions for phone and video appointments
Use the Digital Clinic chat service to get help with many types of symptoms without booking an appointment. Read more about Digital Clinic.
If you need an appointment with a specific general practitioner, you can also book a phone appointment.
What kinds of health issues can typically be treated in a remote appointment with a general practitioner?
- Mild symptoms of infection and respiratory, urinary tract and skin symptoms
- Reoccurrence of a previously examined and familiar musculoskeletal system disorder (joint pain, etc.)
- Periodic follow-up appointment for treating elevated blood pressure or high cholesterol levels
- Renewing a prescription (for gout or heartburn, for example)
- Renewing a regularly used long-term control medication if a personal appointment needs to be postponed because of the coronavirus epidemic
- Periodic follow-up appointments for treating diagnosed mental disorders
- Learning about test or examination results and establishing a treatment plan
- Counselling regarding how the treatment of your condition is arranged during the pandemic
What are remote appointments not suitable for?
- Sudden new neurological symptom (muscle weakness, somatosensory disorders, impaired speech, dizziness)
- Sudden tight chest pain and/or shortness of breath.
What kinds of health issues can usually be treated in a remote appointment with a diabetes or an internal medicine specialist?
- Assessment of ongoing pharmacological treatment of diabetes
- Renewals of prescriptions
- Monitoring of blood sugar balance based on measurements
- Overall assessment of medication
- First visit to treat obesity (if the patient has the possibility for weighing)
- Adjustment of antihypertensive medication
- Disorders of cholesterol metabolism
- Investigation of high levels of liver enzymes
- Initial assessment of coagulation disorders and the related pharmacological treatment
- Continuing the treatment (if the cause of illness is known) of hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism
- Hearing and interpreting test and examination results
What are remote appointments not suitable for?
- Assessment of diabetic neuropathy (symptoms and pains in the nervous system)
- Acute emergencies
- Fever if the cause is unclear
- Acute stomach complaints
- Chest pains
- Shortness of breath or decrease in performance
- Dizziness
- Work ability issues
- Suspected intestinal bleeding
- Clinical relapse of an inflammatory bowel disease (Chron’s disease, ulcerative colitis)
The following symptoms and illnesses almost always require a physical examination of the patient to select the appropriate follow-up examinations. If you want to discuss possible symptoms and examinations with your doctor in advance, you can book a remote appointment.
- Initial assessment of prolonged fatigue
- Initial assessment of prolonged stomach complaints
- Initial assessment of anaemia
- Initial assessment of hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism
What kinds of health issues can usually be treated in a remote appointment with a physiotherapist?
- Physiotherapy counselling, support and providing instructions for exercises.
- Disorders of the musculoskeletal system not accompanied by significant incapacity, for example, mild injuries/symptoms of upper or lower limbs which allow the limb to be used For example, a symptom of osteoarthritis of the knee or prolonged knee pain.
- Follow-up physiotherapy appointments in which the progress of rehabilitation and/or physiotherapy is assessed but no testing or measurements are to be made.
What are remote appointments not suitable for?
- The first appointment with a physiotherapist should be a personal appointment.
- Difficult symptoms or injuries of the musculoskeletal system that require thorough examination such as lower back symptoms accompanied by somatosensory or motor disorders.
- Appointments that include manual therapy.
- Appointments that include tests or measurements performed by a physiotherapist (for example, certain postoperative rehabilitation appointments).
What kinds of health issues can usually be treated in a gynaecologist’s remote appointment?
- Menstrual manipulation
- Minor menstrual disorders (such as irregular/painful/heavy menstrual bleeding)
- Advice for contraception and starting with contraception for young people
- Renewing a prescription for hormonal contraception
- Fertility advice
- Treatment of vaginal infection symptoms (e.g. yeast infection) when the patient is familiar with the disorder
- Treatment of mild mucous membrane disorders
- Referral to tests for sexually transmitted diseases
- Treatment of mild urinary tract infections
- Advice relating to menopause symptoms
- During the COVID-19 pandemic, renewing a prescription for hormonal treatment of menopause symptoms for women in good general health who have a regular treatment relationship with a gynaecologist at Mehiläinen.
What are remote appointments not suitable for?
- Acute emergencies
- Acute ailments with severe symptoms or involving fever: bleeding, pains, symptoms of infection
- Situations requiring a gynecological examination or an ultrasound examination
- Suspected cancer
- Miscarriage
- Issues relating to abortion
- Pregnancy monitoring
- Frequently recurring urinary tract infections or when involving fever
- Frequently recurring vaginal infections
- Bleeding relating to intercourse
- Treatment of unclear pap test results
- Assessment of changes in the breasts
- Persistent/complex symptoms
- Sick leave certificates
- Referrals to public health care
- Central nervous system agent prescriptions (e.g. strong painkillers, sleeping pills)
Learn more:
Contraception clinic helps young people select an appropriate mode of contraception
The dermatologist will need clear and high-quality pictures to make a diagnosis during a phone appointment. Please take 1–3 pictures in advance before the appointment. You can send the pictures to the doctor by secure email (see the instructions above).
What kinds of health issues can usually be treated in a remote appointment with a dermatologist?
- Treatment and follow-up of known skin conditions
- Controls of internal pharmacological treatments
- Treatment of common skin conditions including acne, atopic eczema, psoriasis, hand eczema, etc.
- Assessment and treatment of allergic symptoms (such as pollen allergies, food allergies and allergic dermatitis)
- New skin symptoms (if the symptoms are severe, a face-to-face appointment is recommended)
- Mild skin infections
- Various types of rash in children (severe symptoms require a face-to-face appointment)
What is the remote appointment not suitable for?
- New rash or skin disorder with severe symptoms
- Exacerbation of a previous rash with severe symptoms
- Suspected scabies
- Dermatitis in genital organs
- Checking moles and assessment of suspicious skin changes
- All dermatological procedures including cryosurgery, laser, surgical removal of skin lesions and aesthetic skin treatments
What kinds of health issues can usually be treated in a remote appointment with a cardiologist?
- Routine controls of patients with a treatment relationship with Mehiläinen
- Unclear issues and questions on medication
- Review of test results (e.g. blood tests, Holter examination, coronary CT angiography)
- Heart palpitation symptoms which do not involve chest pain or disturbances of consciousness.
What are remote appointments not suitable for?
- Acute emergencies
- Severe shortness of breath
- Prolonged/complex symptoms
- Sick leave certificates
- Referrals to public health care (in most cases)
- Central nervous system agent prescriptions (e.g. strong painkillers, sleeping pills)
What kinds of health issues can usually be treated in a remote appointment with an ear, nose and throat specialist?
- hearing of test results
- allergy-related issues
- consultations, e.g. about recurring infections
- consulting and advice
- planning further treatment
- investigation of surgery-related matters
- short sick leaves
What are remote appointments not suitable for?
- suspected cancer
- lumps
- acute infections
- problems requiring an examination
- traumas
What kinds of health issues can usually be treated in a remote appointment with a paediatrician?
- Non-urgent controls of allergy-related issues
- Controls of asthma when it is well controlled
- So-called giving a second opinion
- Control and treatment planning on non-urgent stomach complaints
- Vaccination information
- Assessment of the urgency of treatment and coordination of treatment for non-acute complaints
- Unclear issues in treatment plans
What are remote appointments not suitable for?
- Acute emergencies (decreased general condition, shortness of breath, high fever)
- Acute conditions accompanied by severe symptoms or high fever: bleeding, pain, symptoms of infection
- Persistent/complex symptoms
- Sick leave certificates
- Referrals to public health care
If the child suffers from symptoms of a respiratory tract infection (flu, cough, shortness of breath, earache, sore throat) and requires a doctor’s consultation, please book an appointment on the children’s respiratory tract infection list at a medical clinic.
What kinds of health issues can usually be treated in a remote appointment with a psychiatrist?
- Follow-up appointments of an established treatment relationship
- Referrals to public hospitals or online therapy in established treatment relationships
- Prescription renewals (apart from central nervous agents such as sedatives)
- Consultation appointments
- Thorough functional capacity, work ability and rehabilitation assessments (at least 45 minutes)
What are remote appointments not suitable for?
- Acute onset of symptoms of psychosis
- Symptoms of (hypo)mania
- Treatment of severe self-destructiveness
- Prescription of central nervous agents (sedatives, for example)
A remote appointment with a psychologist can be booked for the same reasons as a personal appointment, including challenging situations in life or mood disorders. If you have not accessed the services of a psychologist before, you may find it easier to join a remote appointment than visiting a psychologist in person. Some even feel that sharing their matters is easier when they are using a phone or a computer.
A mental health consultation is a good choice for a first appointment
What kinds of health issues can usually be treated in a remote appointment with an orthopaedist?
- Pain in the joints, limbs or back
- Mild injuries in joints or limbs: you can place weight on the limb and there is no malposition
- No heavy swelling in the injured area
- Fracture controls when the patient has had an X-ray before the remote appointment
- Prescription renewal
What are remote appointments not suitable for?
- Acute emergencies
- More severe injuries with the aforementioned problems
- Persistent/complex symptoms
- Back pain involving numbness and muscle weakness in the leg
- Sick leave certificates, except in case of previous treatment relationship and continuing the sick leave.
- Referrals to public health care, unless the patient’s ailment is previously known
- Central nervous system agent prescriptions (e.g. strong painkillers, sleeping pills)
If your symptoms are visible to the eye, the ophthalmologist will need clear and high-quality pictures to make a diagnosis during a phone appointment. Please take 1–3 pictures in advance before the appointment. You can send the pictures to the doctor by secure email (see the instructions above).
What kinds of health issues can usually be treated in a remote appointment with an ophthalmologist?
- Renewing a prescription
- Interpretation of eye examinations performed in the eye laboratory (visual field, OCT test, i.e. Optical Coherence Tomography Test, etc.)
- For new eye problems, assessment of severity and planning of treatment schedule
- For existing illnesses which require monitoring, a sensible treatment schedule can be planned (e.g. glaucoma)
- The necessary examination referrals can be made so that one appointment in person will suffice, and that appointment can be planned so as to minimise contacts and exposure to infections.
- It is possible to refer patients suffering from symptoms of respiratory tract infections or quarantined patients requiring urgent treatment to specialised health care.
- Treatment instructions for diagnosed conditions of a chronic nature can be provided.
If your condition requires physical examination, we recommend that you book a traditional appointment.
You can book remote appointments with all occupational health care professionals and specialists online (occupational health physicians, occupational health nurses, occupational psychologists and occupational physiotherapists). Occupational health customers with access to the OmaTyöterveys service can book appointments by calling their service number.
Remote appointments are suitable for
- non-urgent advice on health issues
- follow-up appointments
- management of work ability issues
- management of certain issues that require medical care
If your condition requires physical examination, we recommend that you book a traditional appointment.
OmaMehiläinen application messages
Did you know that you can contact your personal occupational health nurse and occupational health physician with the OmaMehiläinen app? You can send chat messages on the Occupational Health tab under Occupational Health Team.
What kinds of health issues can usually be treated in a remote appointment with a urologist?
- consulting to assess the need for further examination and a face-to-face appointment
- erectile dysfunction
- loss of sexual desire
- urinary problems
- pelvic area pain
- high PSA levels (prostate specific antigen. It is a protein produced by prostate gland cells)
- follow-up treatment for patients who have a regular treatment relationship with a urologist at Mehiläinen
- erectile dysfunction
- prostatic hyperplasia
- urinary symptoms
- testosterone replacement treatment
- monitoring of certain types of cancer
- hearing of test results after a previous face-to-face appointment
What are remote appointments not suitable for?
- acute emergencies
- acute ailments with severe symptoms or involving fever: bleeding, pains, symptoms of infection
- situations requiring a urological examination or an ultrasound examination
- issues with the foreskin
- tumours or suspected tumours in the testes
- sterilisation
- suspected cancer
- persistent/complex symptoms
- referrals to public health care
- CNS agent prescriptions (e.g. strong painkillers, sleeping pills)