Vaasa Hospital
At Mehiläinen Vaasa hospital, you have quick access to surgery, and your situation are taken into account. Book a surgery appointment below. Referral counseling is open Mon-Fri 9.00-15.00. You need a doctor's referral for surgery.
Location: Vaasanpuistikko 22 Medical Clinic Mehiläinen, 6th floor.
The Mehiläinen Vaasa hospital has a surgical department, a ward and a procedure unit. In addition to ambulatory surgeries, demanding operations that require a longer stay in the hospital are also performed in the Vaasa hospital.
Our staff will assist and guide you in the preparations and arrangements related to the surgery. Our specialists will provide you with details of procedures and surgeries. We also provide guidance and assistance with service vouchers and insurance matters.
How to get into surgery
You will need a doctor’s referral for surgery. You can book an appointment with your preferred doctor via our appointment booking.
You can also book an appointment by calling our customer service at 010 414 00 (local network rate/mobile charge). Our customer service is available 24/7.
A specialist will go through with you your wishes and expectations regarding the surgery and any problems that your ailment may cause in everyday life. If necessary, imaging studies may be required. You will receive detailed instructions on how to prepare for surgery.
You can book an appointment with your preferred specialist via our appointment booking by entering the name of the specialist or service in the Service or specialist name field.
You can also book an appointment by calling our customer service at 010 414 00 (local network rate/mobile charge). Our customer service is available 24/7.
If you have a surgery referral and have met with the operating doctor, you can book a surgery appointment and reschedule an already booked surgery time at the Vaasa hospital at 010 414 9473 (local network rate/mobile charge) or contact us by e-mail. Open Mon–Fri 8 a.m.–3 p.m.
Our surgery coordinator will call you about a week before the surgery about matters related to preparing for the day of surgery, such as eating, drinking and arriving at the hospital.
Surgical services in Vaasa
Most common procedures and surgeries
- Hymenectomy
- Removal of uterine lesion in hysteroscopy
Most common procedures and surgeries
- Adenotomy
- Ear tubes
- Tonsillectomy
- Tympanic membrane incision
Most common procedures and surgeries
- Knee, hip, and shoulder joint replacements
- Fracture and trauma surgery
- Upper limb (hand) surgical operations
- Shoulder joint surgical operations
- Knee ligament surgery
- General arthroscopy of the knee, shoulder, ankle, and elbow
Book an appointment with an ankle and foot specialist
Book an appointment with a knee specialist
Most common procedures and surgeries
- Eyebrow elevation surgery
- Breast augmentation
- Outer ear repair surgery
- Liposuction
- Removal of drooping upper eyelid skin and a fatty hernia
Most common procedures and surgeries
- Cataract surgery
- Removal of eyelid cyst, scar or tumour
- Eyelid skin or fat removal
- Other blepharoplasty
- Removal of drooping upper eyelid skin
Most surgeries:
- Hip joint replacement surgery
- Shoulder joint replacement surgery
- Knee joint replacement surgery
Book an appointment for hip joint replacement surgery assessment
Book an appointment for knee joint replacement surgery assessment
Book an appointment for shoulder joint replacement surgery assessment
Most common procedures and surgeries
- Repair surgery of tight foreskin
- Inguinal hernia repair
- Vasectomy or male sterilisation
- Bladder endoscopy
- Scrotal hydrocele surgery
Most common procedures and surgeries
- Umbilical hernia repair
- Inguinal hernia repair
- Haemorrhoid removal
- Gallbladder removal
- Appendectomy
Most common procedures and surgeries
- Varicose vein surgery
Using a service voucher
A service voucher is a personal payment commitment granted by a wellbeing services county to the customer. Using a service voucher is easy and allows quick access to treatment.
Using Mehiläinen’s services as an insurance customer
It is easy for insurance customers to use Mehiläinen’s services. Book an appointment, come to the emergency room directly or use the services of the Digital Clinic and make an insurance claim later.
Mehiläinen's hospital operations are recommended
We measure customer experiences with the internationally applied Net Promoter Score (NPS) index. The NPS index may be anything between -100 and +100. An NPS index of more than 50 is considered to be very good. NPS measurement is part of Mehiläinen's quality system.
Our customers recommend Mehiläinen
The higher the index is, the more customers say that they can recommend Mehiläinen.