Mehiläinen Nastola Pekkalantie
Toimipiste on 18.12.2024 poikkeuksellisesti avoinna vain klo 12-16
Opening hours
See more details of opening hours for each service.
Monday | 08:00 - 16:00 |
Tuesday | 08:00 - 16:00 |
Wednesday | 08:00 - 16:00 |
Thursday | 08:00 - 16:00 |
Friday | Closed |
Saturday | Closed |
Sunday | Closed |
Monday | 08:00 - 16:00 |
Tuesday | 08:00 - 16:00 |
Wednesday | 08:00 - 16:00 |
Thursday | 08:00 - 16:00 |
Friday | Closed |
Saturday | Closed |
Sunday | Closed |
Monday 13.1. | 08:00 - 16:00 |
Tuesday 14.1. | 08:00 - 16:00 |
Wednesday 15.1. | 08:00 - 16:00 |
Thursday 16.1. | 08:00 - 16:00 |
Friday 17.1. | Closed |
Saturday 18.1. | Closed |
Sunday 19.1. | Closed |
Ajanvaraus Mehiläisen verkkoajanvarauksesta tai puhelimitse Asiakaspalvelukeskuksesta numerosta 010 414 00 (local network rate/mobile charge).
Monday 13.1. | Closed |
Tuesday 14.1. | 08:00 - 13:30 |
Wednesday 15.1. | Closed |
Thursday 16.1. | Closed |
Friday 17.1. | Closed |
Saturday 18.1. | Closed |
Sunday 19.1. | Closed |
Näytteenottoon voi varata ajan Mehiläisen verkkoajanvarauksen kautta.
Nastolan toimipisteen laboratoriossa ei tehdä pikanielutestejä.
Toimipisteessä ei ole Röntgeniä. Lähin röntgen löytyy Lahden Mehiläisen toimipisteestä.
Ilmoittautuminen OmaMehiläinen -sovelluksen kautta sekä kassalla.
Maksupalvelu sijaitsee aulassa
Laskua maksaessa tulee näyttää Kela-kortti, jotta voimme antaa Kela-korvauksen käynnin yhteydessä.
Laskutus tapahtuu heti vastaanoton jälkeen kassalla. Maksutavat ovat pankkikortti, luottokortti ja erämaksu.
Mahdolliset laskureklamaatiot osoitetaan: tai numeroon 010 414 0505 (local network rate/mobile charge) (ma-pe 8-16).
OmaMehiläinen-palvelu on nopein ja vaivattomin keino tarkistaa omat potilastiedot, tutkimustiedot ja tutkimuskuvat.
Saat halutessasi Mehiläisen lääkäri- ja diagnostiikkapalveluiden potilastiedot itsellesi myös paperisena. Potilastietoina voidaan toimittaa esimerkiksi lääkärikäyntien potilaskertomukset ja Mehiläisessä otetut tutkimuskuvat, kuten röntgenkuvat.
Lue lisää potilastietojen tilaamisesta Mehiläisen verkkosivuilta.
Reseptin voit myös uusia OmaMehiläisessä. Lue lisää verkkosivuiltamme.
Voit varata soittopyynnön lääkärille tai hoitajalle, jonka vastaanotolla olet käynyt.
Soittopyynnnön voit varata Mehiläisen verkkoajanvaruksen, OmaMehiläisen tai
asiakaspalvelukeskuksen kautta.
Arrival instructions
At Mehiläinen in Nastola, you can register in the following ways:
Self-registration kiosks: You can use the self-registration kiosks located in the medical center's 1st floor.
Omamehiläinen app: Through the mobile app, you can conveniently register anywhere before your appointment. However, we recommend registering near the reception room to avoid being called before your arrival. The app allows you to check the exact details of your appointment, including the room number and floor.
Cashier Services: Cashier services are located on the 1st floor.
Parking: Upon arrival by car, you can park in front of the facility, where there are plenty of parking spaces near Mehiläinen's entrance. Parking is free and no parking disc is required.
Accessible parking: There are parking spaces near the front door that are also suitable for customers with mobility impairments. The parking spaces are located immediately adjacent to the entrance. Unfortunately, there are no specifically marked accessible parking spaces near the facility.
Arrival by taxi or drop-off: The taxi stand is located in the same building as the facility. Taxis and drop-off vehicles can stop momentarily right in front of the facility's entrance.
Arrival by public transport: Local buses 10 and 9K stop about 100 meters from the facility. The bus stops are located on Flower Street and Pekkala Road.
Arrival by bicycle: The bicycle can be parked directly in front of the facility's entrance.
Accessible entrance: The facility has an accessible entrance. There is a small threshold at the entrance that can be crossed with a wheelchair or walker.
Door accessibility: The entrance has wide doors, but no automatic doors. Staff can assist if needed.
Signage: There are clear signs at the entrance and indoors.
Elevator accessibility: The building does not have elevators; the facility is located on the 1st floor.
Accessible restrooms: There is a restroom at the facility that is spacious and without thresholds.
Waiting area seating: The waiting areas have similar seats without armrests.
Lighting: There is sufficient and even lighting indoors.
Mobility options: There is enough space to move around with a wheelchair within the facility premises.
Assistive devices: There are canes available for loan at the medical center.
Briefly about the location
Tervetuloa Mehiläiseen!
Meiltä saat työterveyspalvelut, yleis- ja erikoislääkäripalvelut saman katon alta. Myös fysioterapiapalvelut kuuluvat valikoimaamme. Laboratoriomme palvelee teitä ajanvarauksella. Kuvantamisen palvelut löytyvät Lahden Mehiläisen toimipisteestä.
Location doctors and people in charge
Appointment booking by phone and enquiries
The fastest and easiest way to book an appointment is directly through Mehiläinen's online appointment booking service.
Book an appointmentOur phone service is open every day around the clock.
The price list of doctor's appointments and procedures can be found on the Price lists page.
Go to the price listOccupational health services
The diverse occupational health services Mehiläinen offers to companies are always tailored to the size and needs of the company.
Ask for an offer