Mehiläinen Vantaa Airport
Suljemme tiistaina 11.2.2025 poikkeuksellisesti klo 16
Opening hours
See more details of opening hours for each service.
Monday | 07:30 - 18:00 |
Tuesday | 07:30 - 17:00 |
Wednesday | 07:30 - 16:00 |
Thursday | 07:30 - 16:00 |
Friday | 07:30 - 16:00 |
Saturday | Closed |
Sunday | Closed |
Monday | 07:30 - 18:00 |
Tuesday | 07:30 - 17:00 |
Wednesday | 07:30 - 16:00 |
Thursday | 07:30 - 16:00 |
Friday | 07:30 - 16:00 |
Saturday | Closed |
Sunday | Closed |
Monday 3.3. | 07:45 - 16:00 |
Tuesday 4.3. | 07:45 - 16:00 |
Wednesday 5.3. | 07:45 - 15:00 |
Thursday 6.3. | 07:45 - 15:00 |
Friday 7.3. | 07:45 - 15:00 |
Saturday 8.3. | Closed |
Sunday 9.3. | Closed |
E-porras 6. kerros
Toimimme ajanvarauksella. Tarvittaessa voi tulla ilman aikaa ilmoittaumalla reseptiossa.
Ilmoittaudu varatulle ajalle OmaMehiläisessä, ilmoittautumisautomaatilla tai reseptiossa.
Näytteiden tuonti klo 8-14.30: ilmoittaudu reseptiossa, kerro että olet tuomassa näytteitä.
Uniapneatutkimus, yöpolygrafia Pt-PolAMb
EKG-pitkäaikaisrekisteröinti (holter) Pt-EKG-Pa
Verenpaine, pitkäaikaisrekisteröinti Pt-RR-Pa
Keuhkojen toimintakokeet Pt-FVSpirD, -FVSpiro, - FVSpiO, -FVSpiDO
Monday 3.3. | Closed |
Tuesday 4.3. | Closed |
Wednesday 5.3. | Closed |
Thursday 6.3. | Closed |
Friday 7.3. | Closed |
Saturday 8.3. | Closed |
Sunday 9.3. | Closed |
Kuvantaminen suljettu toistaiseksi.
Voit ilmoittautua vastaanotolle mobiilisovelluksella (OmaMehiläinen), itseilmoittautumisautomaatilla tai vastaanottotiskillä.
Itseilmoittautumisautomaatti ja vastaanotto sijaitsevat sisääntuloaulassa 6. kerroksessa.
Kassapalvelut sijaitsevat 6. kerroksessa.
Huomioithan, että asioidessasi Mehiläisessä tarvitset mukaasi voimassa olevan henkilöllisyystodistuksen (kuvallinen henkilökortti, passi tai ajokortti).
Laskutus tapahtuu heti vastaanoton jälkeen kassalla. Maksutavat ovat pankkikortti, luottokortti ja erämaksu.
Mahdolliset laskureklamaatiot osoitetaan: laskutus.info@mehilainen.fi tai numeroon 010 414 0505 (local network rate/mobile charge) (ma-pe 8-16).
E-rappu 6. kerros
Ajanvaraus Mehiläisen verkkoajanvarauksen kautta ajanvaraus.mehilainen.fi tai numerosta 010 414 00 (local network rate/mobile charge).
Saat halutessasi Mehiläisen lääkäri- ja diagnostiikkapalveluiden potilastiedot itsellesi. Potilastietoina voidaan toimittaa esimerkiksi lääkärikäyntien potilaskertomukset ja Mehiläisessä otetut tutkimuskuvat, kuten röntgenkuvat.
Lue lisää Mehiläisen verkkosivuilta.
Reseptin uusintapyynnöt lääkemääräyksen tehneelle lääkärille. Reseptien uusinnat ilman hoitosuhdetta vain vastaanotolla. Reseptien uusinta myös sähköisesti OmaMehiläinen-sovelluksen kautta ja Digiklinikalla.
Monday 3.3. | 07:30 - 18:00 |
Tuesday 4.3. | 07:30 - 17:00 |
Wednesday 5.3. | 07:30 - 16:00 |
Thursday 6.3. | 07:30 - 16:00 |
Friday 7.3. | 07:30 - 16:00 |
Saturday 8.3. | Closed |
Sunday 9.3. | Closed |
Itseilmoittautumisautomaatti lääkärikeskuksen odotusaulassa.
Ajanvaraus Mehiläisen verkkoajanvarauksen kautta ajanvaraus.mehilainen.fi tai numerosta 010 414 00 (local network rate/mobile charge).
Sairaanhoitajan vastaanotto ajanvarauksella. Ajanvaraus Mehiläisen verkkoajanvarauksesta tai asiakaspalvelukeskuksesta numerosta 010 414 00 (local network rate/mobile charge).
Sairaanhoitajan tekemät toimenpiteet:
- Haavan hoidot, sidosten vaihdot
- Injektiot
- Korvahuuhtelut
- Ompeleiden ja hakasten poistot
- Rokottaminen
- Verenpaineenmittaus
Voit varata soittopyynnön asiakaspalvelukeskuksesta numerosta 010 414 00 (local network rate/mobile charge) tai voit jättää soittopyynnön myös verkkoajanvarauksen kautta.
Arrival instructions
At Mehiläinen Vantaa Airport, you can register in the following ways:
Self-registration kiosks: You can use the self-registration kiosks located on the sixth floor.
Omamehiläinen app: Through the mobile app, you can conveniently register anywhere before your appointment. However, we recommend registering near the reception room to avoid being called before your arrival. The app allows you to check the exact details of your appointment, including the room number and floor.
Cashier Services: Cashier services are located on the sixth floor of the facility.
Mehiläinen Vantaa Airport is located in close proximity to Helsinki-Vantaa Airport at Lentäjäntie 1 E, sixth floor. The Scandic Airport hotel is in the same building as Mehiläinen. Entrances to Mehiläinen are from the E-staircase on the Lentäjänkuja side or from the B-staircase on the airport side of the building.
Arrival by car: On the Helsinki-Vantaa airport area, the route is Tutkatie => Teletie => Lentäjäntie => Lentäjänkuja. Signs to Mehiläinen are at the intersection of Lentäjänkuja and Lentäjäntie.
Parking: There are nine parking spaces for Mehiläinen next to the E-staircase on Lentäjänkuja. The car's registration number must be entered into the machine located in the medical center's lobby on the sixth floor, providing two hours of free parking. Parking is also available in the P5 parking garage (entrance next to the train station, from Tutkatie side) and at the Hilton parking lot. Parking in the P5 parking garage and at the Hilton parking lot is chargeable. In the P5 parking garage, payment is made at the parking garage's payment machine, and at the Hilton parking lot, payment is made upon departure at the Hilton reception.
Accessible parking: There is one accessible parking space next to the E-staircase, in connection with the free parking spaces.
Arrival by taxi or drop-off: Taxis and accompanier's cars can stop near both entrances to the facility.
Arrival by public transport: The Ring Rail Line trains I and P run to Helsinki-Vantaa Airport, from where it is a short walk to Mehiläinen's facility. Mehiläinen can also be reached by all buses arriving at the airport, such as lines 600 (from Helsinki city center), 561 (from Itäkeskus), and 570 (from Tikkurila).
Accessible entrance: The accessible entrance to the facility is from the B-staircase, located on the airport side of the building. From the B-staircase entrance, there is an accessible route to the elevator. The building does not have automatic doors. The doors are wide enough for wheelchairs.
Elevator accessibility: The facility has two accessible elevators that take you to Mehiläinen's facility on the sixth floor. From the B-staircase entrance, there is an accessible route to the elevator. At the E-staircase entrance, there is one set of stairs to the elevator, so we recommend the entrance from the B-staircase.
Accessible restrooms: Mehiläinen's facility has an accessible restroom on the sixth floor.
Signage: There are signs to Mehiläinen on both sides of the building.
Lighting: Indoors, there is sufficient and even lighting that does not glare.
Waiting area seating: The waiting areas have chairs of various heights and types, including low, high, with and without armrests.
Mobility options: There is ample space in the facility for movement, such as with a wheelchair.
Assistive devices: A wheelchair is available for loan at the facility and can be picked up from the reception.
Kuvantaminen suljettu toistaiseksi
Suljemme tiistaina 11.2.2025 poikkeuksellisesti klo 16
Briefly about the location
Medical center Mehiläinen Airport offers comprehensive general practitioner and special doctor services by appointment (no emergency duty) to both private and occupational customers adjacent the Helsinki – Vantaa Airport.
Our services include, inter alia, laboratory, sleep apnea screenings and small procedures as removal of efflorescence and suturing wounds. Aviation-related licenses and other certificates you can get by appointment from the doctor’s reception.
There are approximately 30 doctors in our medical center. Specializations represented are, inter alia; gynecology, physiatry, aviation medicine, surgery (general and hand surgery), orthopedics and psychiatry. Whole Mehiläinens broad variety of examination, operation and health care services are in the use of our customers. We use the Kela mandate conduct, which means that you only pay the deductible of your visit.
Location doctors and people in charge

Appointment booking by phone and enquiries

The fastest and easiest way to book an appointment is directly through Mehiläinen's online appointment booking service.
Book an appointmentOur phone service is open every day around the clock.
The price list of doctor's appointments and procedures can be found on the Price lists page.
Go to the price listOccupational health services

The diverse occupational health services Mehiläinen offers to companies are always tailored to the size and needs of the company.
Ask for an offer