Mehiläinen Länsi-Pohja: Seamless cooperation with occupational health brings cost savings
The cooperation with Mehiläinen has started in 2018 and through smooth cooperation, clear roles and determined work of the front-line staff and management, impressive results have been achieved. The most effective and perhaps the most important form of cooperation is seen in the case discussions, where together with occupational health care, the occupational pension company and HR representatives, the current situations and work cycle plans of people at risk are discussed one by one.
- Early on, we decided that since we have cooperation with occupational health care, it would be good to have one contact person here on the employer's side. It has been good, for example, in occupational health negotiations, when, in addition to the employee and the employee's immediate superior, there is a representative of the employer who has an overview of all the workplaces in the organisation and has the opportunity to think extensively about different work arrangements," says Karoliina Saari, Director of Nursing at Mehiläinen Länsi-Pohja.
Referenssi julkaistu 6/2023