Patient contact persons, patient ombudsmen, and social affairs ombudsmen
Mehiläinen's patient liaison officers act as a point of contact for Mehiläinen's clients regarding patient rights and any dissatisfaction related to treatment, such as suspicion of injury, reminder, complaint, or compensation claim. Patient liaison officers also advise clients on the operations and contact details of the well-being area's patient and social affairs officers, if necessary, striving to consider the client's needs individually.
The duties of a patient contact persons include:
- assisting and advising on matters related to the application of the Act on the Status and Rights of Patients
- informing the patient about their rights and status
- advising and, if necessary, assisting in filing an objection or notice of injury
- otherwise contributing to the fulfillment of the patient’s rights
The patient contact persons does not comment on the patient's medical treatment decisions or whether there has been an error or an accident in the treatment.
A patient who is not satisfied with the health care or medical care and the related treatment received by him/her has the right to submit an objection on the matter to the director responsible for health care in the health care unit in question (Act on the Status and Rights of Patients 785/1992, Section 10).
Making a reminder requires strong authentication so that the matter can be linked to your care. The processing of a reminder requires the handling of your patient information. You can also make an objection in any other written form and leave it with the patient contact person at the service location you visit, who must also ensure reliable identification.
Each Mehiläinen's private healthcare locations has a designated patient contact persons whose contact information can be found on locations page under persons in charge.
Mehiläinen's social services (Ykköskodit, Mainiokodit, Onnikodit, and Familar) similarly have a customer contact person.
Mehiläinen's public health services, as well as home and caregiver services, work closely with the patient affairs representatives, social affairs representatives, and service commissioners of the well-being areas. If necessary, you can contact directly the responsible persons at Mehiläinen's location or the patient affairs representative or social affairs representative of your own well-being area.
If you are unable to reach the patient contact person or responsible person of your own location, you can also contact the patient contact persons of another location or reach the patient contact persons through the Mehiläinen Customer Service Centre. You can contact the patient contact persons at the Digital Clinic through the Mehiläinen Customer Service Centre.
Contact the person who treated you when possible
If you are dissatisfied with your treatment at Mehiläinen or the behaviour of the staff, we recommend you to contact the person who treated you as a general rule. In most cases, this is the quickest way to resolve the matter and no other measures may be needed. The easiest way to contact the person who treated you is to call our customer service at 010 414 00 (local network rate/mobile charge).
Patient Ombudsmen and Social Ombudsmen of the Wellbeing Services Counties
From the beginning of 2024, each wellbeing services county and the City of Helsinki will also have a patient ombudsman and a social ombudsman, who are obliged to advise and inform about patient rights in their area. You can find the contact information for the patient ombudsmen and social ombudsmen on the website of your own wellbeing services county. Also, see the law on patient ombudsmen and social ombudsmen (739/2023).
Patient ombudsmen of the wellbeing services counties are requested to direct issues related to Mehiläinen's units or practitioners, such as reminders, to the patient contact persons of each Mehiläinen unit.