Digital Clinic makes it easy to use the services of Mehiläinen Health Centre
Digital Clinic serves the customers of Mehiläinen Health Centre within the opening hours of the centre
Digital Clinic serves the customers of Mehiläinen Heath Centre Espoontori and Tesoma 24/7 every day of the year

Digital Clinic provides help with various symptoms
Remote appointments with doctors can be used to treat symptoms and diseases that do not require a physical examination.
Flu symptoms
Fever, rhinitis, stuffy nose, cough
Eye symptoms
Eye infection, inflammation of the eyelids
Stomach issues
Diarrhoea, vomiting
Urinary tract infection in women
Frequent or painful urination or a burning sensation when urinating
Sexual health
Contraception, erectile dysfunction, sexually transmitted diseases
Allergy symptoms
Allergic rhinitis, pollen allergy symptoms
Skin symptoms
Rash, acne, skin inflammation, nail diseases
Insect bites and stings
Tick bites, skin symptoms
Prescription renewal
Continuing a pharmacological treatment plan issued by Mehiläinen

You can find your health centre's medical staff in OmaMehiläinen
Download the OmaMehiläinen application for free or log in to the OmaMehiläinen online service to access Digital Clinic. The easiest way to send pictures during a Digital Clinic chat is to use a smartphone.
How to start using Digital Clinic in OmaMehiläinen
Update your public health centre in your profile.
Choose a channel and a professional suitable for your needs.
You can describe your symptoms in your own words.
A health care professional will ask you questions to specify the issue.
The treatment plan will remain available in the chat. You will be given a prescription or a referral for further examinations or tests, if necessary.